Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Aixia B
Press release from Companies: Aixia takes new order with existing customer, value SEK 25 million
Press release from Companies: Aixia tar ny order med befintlig kund, värde 25 MSEK
Press release from Companies: Kallelse till årsstämma i Aixia Group AB (publ)
Press release from Companies: Notice of Annual General Meeting in Aixia Group AB (publ)
Reports: Year-end report 2023
Reports: Bokslutskommuniké 2023
Press release from Companies: Aixia Secures 10 Million SEK Contract with NexGen Cloud for Supercloud Data Center Installation in Norway
Press release from Companies: Aixia säkrar 10 MSEK kontrakt med NexGen Cloud för Supercloud Datacenter installation i Norge
Press release from Companies: Aixia enters into cooperation agreements with existing customers regarding infrastructure, co-location and hosting. Value SEK 3 million over 5 years.
Press release from Companies: Aixia ingår samarbetsavtal med befintlig kund avseende infrastruktur, co-locationoch hosting. Värde 3 MSEK över 5 år.