Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Aixia B
Press release from Companies: Aixia takes new hosting and operating orders with new customers, contract value SEK 3.5 million
Press release from Companies: Aixia tar nya hosting och driftordrar med nya kunder, avtalsvärde 3,5 MSEK
Market Notices: Market Notice 196/23 – CGIT Holding AB changes name to Aixia Group
Press release from Companies: CGit Holding AB (publ) genomför namnbyte till Aixia Group AB (publ)
Press release from Companies: CGit Holding AB (publ) changes name to Aixia Group AB (publ)
Press release from Companies: Interim report Q2 2023 CGit Holding AB (publ)
Reports: Delårsrapport, Q2 2023 - CGit Holding AB (publ)
Press release from Companies: Aixia takes new order with new customer, value SEK 4.5 million
Press release from Companies: Aixia tar ny order med ny kund, värde 4,5 MSEK
Press release from Companies: Aixia takes new strategic order with international energy company