Archelon Natural Resources Expands Gladhammar Project


Archelon Natural Resources AB unveils ambitious plans for its Gladhammar gold project, exploring strategic metals amid rising market trends.

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Archelon Natural Resources AB expands its Gladhammar project, exploring gold, copper, and bismuth amid favorable market conditions. The project shows promising mineralization, with gold prices at record highs and strategic metals gaining investor interest.

Archelon Natural Resources AB (publ) ('ANR' or 'the Company') has announced expanded plans for its wholly-owned subsidiary Arc Gladhammar K AB and the Gladhammar gold project in Västervik, Kalmar County. The project, known for its well-documented gold mineralization, is now also revealing promising copper and bismuth deposits, metals classified as strategic by the EU.

The Gladhammar project has historically indicated a mineral resource of approximately 156,000 tons with 5.5 grams per ton of gold, 14 grams per ton of silver, and 0.25% copper. Recent analyses suggest significant mineralization outside the primary 'A' and 'B' lenses, with noteworthy gold and copper intervals.

In early 2025, gold prices have surged to historic highs, driven by economic uncertainties and inflation concerns. This has led investors to seek refuge in gold, pushing its price to over 1000 SEK per gram. Similarly, copper prices have risen due to geopolitical tensions and strong demand from electrification efforts.

Archelon's strategic move to secure additional exploration permits, covering structural trends and magnetic anomalies, underscores their commitment to expanding the project's potential. The recent application for the Gladhammar nr 102 permit aims to explore these promising areas further.

Bismuth, often a byproduct in mining, is gaining attention due to China's export controls and its classification as a strategic raw material by the EU. The potential for bismuth as a byproduct at Gladhammar enhances the project's strategic value.

Given the rising prices and strategic importance of these metals, Archelon's Gladhammar project is positioned to benefit from increased investor interest. With the current market dynamics, holding onto this asset could prove advantageous as the company continues its exploration and development efforts.

In conclusion, Archelon Natural Resources' expansion at Gladhammar presents a compelling opportunity amid favorable market conditions for gold, copper, and bismuth. Investors may find value in holding their positions as the project progresses.



Archelon Natural Resources uppdaterar kring positiva marknads-utvecklingar för guld, koppar och vismut


Archelon Natural Resources AB har presenterat utökade planer för sitt dotterbolag Arc Gladhammar K AB och guldprojektet Gladhammar i Västerviks kommun. Projektet har en historisk mineralresurs av guld som kan kompletteras med koppar och vismut, vilka EU klassat som strategiska metaller. Marknadsutvecklingen för dessa metaller har varit positiv i början av 2025. Tidigare arbete har identifierat betydande mineraliseringar av guld, koppar och vismut i och utanför de befintliga A- och B-linserna. Guldpriset har nått rekordnivåer, delvis drivet av osäkerhet kring USA:s monetära politik och handelshinder. Kopparpriserna har också stigit på grund av geopolitiska osäkerheter och stark efterfrågan från elektrifiering. Vismut, tidigare inte övervägd som ekonomisk metall i projektet, har fått ökat intresse efter Kinas exportkontroller. Sammanfattningsvis ökar intresset för metallerna i Gladhammar, vilket kan höja projektets värde. För mer information, kontakta VD Tore Hallberg.

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