Arctic Paper

Main Market, Stockholm

Senaste sammanfattade pressmeddelande från Arctic Paper

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. issued a supplementary statement to clarify information regarding the termination of contracts mentioned in their previous report dated December 27, 2024. The subsidiaries, Arctic Paper Grycksbo AB and Arctic Paper Munkedal AB, terminated contracts with S.E.R. Sverige AB for the installation and connection of battery electricity storage facilities because the contractor did not adhere to the agreed timetable. Further details can be obtained from Michał Jarczyński, President of the Management Board of Arctic Paper. This update relates to a report filed with the Warsaw Stock Exchange on January 24, 2025.
Arctic Paper S.A. has announced the schedule for its periodic report publications in 2025. The 2024 annual and consolidated annual reports will be released on April 29, 2025. The consolidated quarterly report for the first quarter of 2025 will be published on May 15, 2025, the semi-annual consolidated report on August 12, 2025, and the third-quarter consolidated report on November 6, 2025. The company will not issue a separate individual semi-annual report and will not publish consolidated quarterly reports for the fourth quarter of 2024 and the second quarter of 2025, in accordance with specific regulations. This announcement, made by Michał Jarczyński, President of the Management Board, was disclosed in compliance with the Offering Act and submitted for publication on January 8, 2025.
Arctic Paper S.A. announced that its subsidiaries, Arctic Paper Grycksbo AB and Arctic Paper Munkedal AB, have terminated their contracts with S.E.R. Sverige AB for the installation and connection of battery electricity storage facilities to the power grid. The termination comes with a 30-day notice period ending on January 21, 2025. The company intends to continue the project with a different partner. This update was disclosed in compliance with Article 17 Section 1 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation and was published on December 27, 2024.
The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. announced that on November 15, 2024, it was informed about public aid granted to its subsidiary, Arctic Paper Kostrzyn S.A., for offsetting the costs of purchasing emission allowances. This aid, amounting to PLN 31.2 million, is intended for electricity costs in energy-intensive production sectors for the year 2023. The company expects this compensation to significantly impact Arctic Paper Kostrzyn S.A.'s financial results in the fourth quarter of 2024. The disclosure is made under the Market Abuse Regulation, and further details are available from Michał Jarczyński, President of the Management Board. This information was published on November 15, 2024, in connection with Arctic Paper's report to the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
Arctic Paper S.A. har förvärvat en solpark med en kapacitet på 4 MW nära Warszawa, Polen. Detta köp markerar en förändring i företagets strategi, då de tidigare enbart byggt solparker på egna fastigheter. Efter detta förvärv uppgår Arctic Papers totala installerade solkraftskapacitet till 23 MW, fördelat på fyra anläggningar i Sverige och Polen. Den producerade energin i Garwolin kommer att säljas utanför Arctic-koncernen. Säljaren av solparken är det polska företaget Coral J.W. Perkowski. Arctic Paper är en europeisk producent av grafiskt finpapper, bio-baserade förpackningslösningar, träfiber av hög kvalitet och energi med en allt större andel icke-fossilt ursprung. Företaget är noterat på börserna i Warszawa och Stockholm.
Arctic Paper S.A. announced that its subsidiary, Arctic Power Sp. z o.o., has entered into a purchase agreement with Coral W. Perkowski, J. Perkowski sp.k. for the acquisition of a photovoltaic installation in Garwolin, Masovian Voivodeship, with a capacity of up to 4 MW. The rights to the installation will be transferred once a distribution services agreement is concluded with the relevant operator. The purchase price is less than 10% of Arctic Paper's equity and is based on market terms. This acquisition aligns with the company's 4P Strategy to enhance its energy segment and support emission neutrality goals. The installation's energy, estimated at 4,000 MWh annually, will be sold to external customers. This information was disclosed under the Market Abuse Regulation and published on November 13, 2024, in connection with Arctic Paper's report to the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
Arctic Paper rapporterade en minskning i försäljningsintäkter och vinst för tredje kvartalet 2024 jämfört med samma period förra året, med intäkter på 819,3 miljoner PLN och en nettoresultat på 36,6 miljoner PLN. Trots den ekonomiska nedgången i Europa och lägre efterfrågan, har företagets finansiella ställning förblivit stark med en låg nettoskuld/EBITDA-kvot. Arctic Paper fokuserar på att balansera kapacitetsutnyttjande och marginaler, och har startat en utbyggnad av en solcellsanläggning i Kostrzyn. Företaget fortsätter att diversifiera sin verksamhet med investeringar i förnybar energi och förpackningslösningar.
In the third quarter of 2024, Arctic Paper reported consolidated sales revenue of PLN 819.3 million and an EBITDA of PLN 77.3 million. The company's EBIT was PLN 47.5 million, with a net profit of PLN 36.6 million. The group focused on balancing capacity usage and margins. During the quarter, Arctic Paper began a 9.6 MW expansion of its PV farm in Kostrzyn. The company's net debt was PLN -27.5 million, with a net debt/EBITDA ratio of -0.08. The CEO, Michal Jarczyński, noted that the recovery in key markets might take time, and the current market situation is expected to persist throughout the year. The paper segment saw reduced demand due to economic downturns in Germany and Poland, resulting in lower revenue and EBITDA. The pulp segment, Rottneros, showed stable revenue and results despite rising raw material costs. The company is investing in energy and packaging, including a new molded fiber tray production in Kostrzyn and a PV farm expansion. Arctic Paper aims to diversify its business with a focus on sustainable energy and higher-margin segments.


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Nyhetsuppdatering från Arctic Paper

Halvårsrapport: Stabilne wyniki i dalsze inwestycje w przyszłość Grupy

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Main Market, Stockholm News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Arctic Paper

Halvårsrapport: Solid results and further forward-looking investments

Arctic Paper S.A. reported solid financial results for Q2 2024, with consolidated sales revenue of PLN 839.2 million and adjusted EBITDA of PLN 78.4 million. Despite high raw material prices and a slow recovery in key European markets, the company maintained a strong financial position with net debt at PLN -142.1 million. The paper segment saw revenue of PLN 573.1 million, while the pulp segment, Rottneros, showed improvement with net sales of SEK 711 million. Investments continued in renewable energy projects, including the completion of a 17 MW PV-farm expansion and plans for a 9 MW PV-farm in 2025. Arctic Paper is also modernizing its sales and customer service organization, aiming for annual savings of PLN 15 million by 2025. The company remains focused on diversifying its operations and maintaining strong market positions in pulp and paper, while also investing in energy and packaging solutions.

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Main Market, Stockholm News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Arctic Paper

Halvårsrapport: Solida resultat och ytterligare framåtblickande investeringar

Arctic Paper rapporterade solida resultat för andra kvartalet 2024, med en konsoliderad försäljningsintäkt på PLN 839,2 miljoner och en justerad EBITDA på PLN 78,4 miljoner. Nettoresultatet för koncernen uppgick till PLN 24,2 miljoner. Företaget har även genomfört flera framåtblickande investeringar, inklusive en 17 MW-utbyggnad av solcellsanläggningen i Kostrzyn och planerar att addera ytterligare 9 MW i början av 2025. Omorganisation av försäljnings- och kundservicefunktioner pågår och förväntas spara PLN 15 miljoner årligen från 2025. Trots utmaningar som långsam återhämtning på viktiga marknader och höga råvarupriser, fortsätter Arctic Paper att fokusera på marginaler och diversifiering inom energi och förpackningar.

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Main Market, Stockholm News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Arctic Paper

Halvårsrapport: Arctic Paper Group consolidated semi-annual report for 6 months ended on 30 June 2024

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. has released the consolidated semi-annual report for the first half of 2024 for the Arctic Paper SA Capital Group. The report includes selected consolidated and standalone financial data. Items in the income and cash flow statement are converted using the average exchange rate announced by the NBP during the reporting period, while balance sheet items and book value per share are converted using the average exchange rate announced by the NBP on the balance sheet date. An attachment (08083194.pdf) is included.

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Main Market, Stockholm News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Arctic Paper

Övrig information som ska lämnas enligt börsens regler: Publication of interim 2Q 2024 report by subsidiary company

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. announced that its subsidiary, Rottneros AB, has published its interim 2Q 2024 report on July 24, 2024. Key financial figures for Rottneros include revenues of 1,399 million SEK, EBITDA of 100 million SEK, and a net result of 20 million SEK. In PLN, these figures are revenues of 531 million, EBITDA of 38 million, and a net result of 8 million. These results are expected to significantly impact Arctic Paper Group's consolidated interim 2Q 2024 results. The announcement complies with Article 17 Section 1 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation and was submitted for publication at 8:05 am CET on July 24, 2024. Further information can be obtained from Michał Jarczyński, President of the Management Board of Arctic Paper.

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Main Market, Stockholm News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Arctic Paper

Kommuniké från årsstämma: Ordinary Shareholders Meeting resolution on payment of dividend and the determination of the dividend date and dividend payment date

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. announced that the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting on May 29, 2024, decided to allocate PLN 69,287,783.00 from the 2023 net profit for dividend payments. Shareholders will receive a dividend of PLN 1.00 per share. The dividend day is set for June 12, 2024, and the payment date is June 18, 2024. This decision is based on § 19 section 2 of the Minister of Finance Regulation of March 29, 2018. The information was disclosed according to Article 56 section 1 item 2 of the Public Offering Act and was published on May 29, 2024, at 16:05 CET, as referenced in Arctic Paper’s current report no. 14/2024 filed with the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Further details can be obtained from Michał Jarczyński, President of the Management Board.

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Main Market, Stockholm News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Arctic Paper

Övrig information som ska lämnas enligt börsens regler: Shareholders holding no less than 5% of number of votes at the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting of Arctic Paper S.A.

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. has disclosed information about shareholders who hold at least 5% of the votes at the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting (OSM) on May 29, 2024. NEMUS HOLDING AB registered 40,981,449 votes at the OSM, representing 95.16% of the votes at the meeting and 59.15% of the total votes in the company. This information was provided by Michał Jarczyński, President of the Management Board, and is disclosed according to Article 70 section 3 of the Public Offering Act. The details were published on May 29, 2024, at 16:01 CET, in connection with Arctic Paper’s current report no. 13/2024 filed with the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

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Main Market, Stockholm News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Arctic Paper

Kommuniké från årsstämma: Resolutions concluded by the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting of Arctic Paper S.A. on 29th of May 2024

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. has publicly shared the resolutions passed during the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting (OSM) held on May 29, 2024. All resolutions were adopted without any objections, and no items on the agenda were left unaddressed. The report is published in compliance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information. Further details can be obtained from Michał Jarczyński, President of the Management Board, at the provided contact number. This disclosure aligns with Article 56 section 1 item 2 of the Public Offering Act and was published on May 29, 2024, at 16:00 CET, referencing Arctic Paper’s current report no. 12/2024 filed with the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

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Main Market, Stockholm News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Arctic Paper

Bokslut och Verksamhetsberättelse: Amendment of the Polish version of the Management Board's Report on activities for 2023 - correction of the Polish version of the consolidated annual report of the Arctic Paper Capital Group for 2023

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. has announced that the Polish version of its 2023 consolidated annual report was initially published incomplete due to technical issues during the conversion into an xhtml file. The missing pages, from 46 to 64, will be republished today along with the auditor's report. The board confirms that no financial data in the 2023 consolidated financial statements have been altered from the original report. The information was provided by Katarzyna Wojtkowiak, CFO of Arctic Paper S.A.

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Main Market, Stockholm News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Arctic Paper

Nyheter för investerare: Arctic Paper presenterar Q1/2024

Arctic Paper S.A. kommer att presentera sina resultat för det första kvartalet 2024 torsdagen den 16 maj kl 15.00 via Finwire. Presentationen kommer att leds av företagets VD, Michal Jarczyński. Arctic Paper är en ledande tillverkare av högkvalitativt grafiskt finpapper och pappersmassa i Europa, med fokus på tillväxt inom biobaserade förpackningslösningar och fossilfri energi. Företaget är noterat på Warszawabörsen och NASDAQ i Stockholm.

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