Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Bluelake Mineral AB
Press Release: Bluelake Mineral announces mineral resource estimate for the Joma copper and zinc project in Norway
Press Release: Länsstyrelsen i Västerbotten meddelar att Natura 2000-utredning behöver kompletteras
Press Release: The County Administrative Board of Västerbotten has decided that the application for Natura 2000 permit must be supplemented with additional information
Press Release: Bluelake Mineral lämnar uppdatering kring arbetet med mineralresursberäkningar för Joma och Stekenjokk-Levi
Press Release: Bluelake Mineral provides a status update on the mineral resource estimates for the Joma project, Norway, and the Stekenjokk-Levi project, Sweden
Press Release: Warrants in incentive program subscribed by senior executives
Press Release: Distribution of acquisition cost related to Bluelake Mineral's distribution of shares in Mezhlisa Holding
Press Release: Publication of impact assessment reports in conjunction with application for approval of zoning plan for Joma mine
Press Release: Bulletin from Annual General Meeting in Bluelake Mineral
Report: Bluelake Mineral announces financial report for first quarter 2021