Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Bluelake Mineral AB
Press Release: Bluelake Mineral AB (publ) avslutar mentoravtal
Press Release: Bluelake Mineral AB (publ) has resolved that record date for reversed share split shall be on January 11, 2021
Press Release: Bluelake Mineral transfers ownership of Russian oil assets to newly incorporated Swedish subsidiary - process for a tentative divestment or partnership is ongoing
Press Release: Nickel Mountain Resources AB (publ) has changed its name to Bluelake Mineral AB (publ)
Press Release: Publication of impact assessment reports related to water quality and aquatic environment as part of zoning plan for planned Norwegian mine
Press Release: Bulletin from Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders in Nickel Mountain Resources AB (publ) under name change to Bluelake Mineral AB (publ)
Report: Nickel Mountain Resources AB (publ) announces financial report for third Quarter 2020
Press Release: Positivt besked från Skatteverket avseende tillämplighet av lex Asea vid utdelning av Tomskprojektet
Press Release: Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders in Nickel Mountain Resources AB (publ)
Press Release: Focusing business on base metals - new company name suggested, additional write down in value of Russian oil project and preparation to spin out asset