Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Bluelake Mineral AB
Press Release: Politicians from the Norwegian parliament visit Røyrvik and the Joma mine
Press Release: The county council in Trøndelag has approved a positive consultation response regarding the zoning plan for the Joma mine
Report: Bluelake Mineral announces financial report for first quarter 2023
Press Release: Bulletin from Annual general Meeting of the shareholders in Bluelake Mineral
Press Release: Røyrvik municipality has decided to send the zoning plan for the Joma mine for a new consultation and public review
Press Release: Bluelake Mineral announces last day for trading in BTU and the first day for trading in the warrant
Report: Bluelake Mineral AB (publ) offentliggör årsredovisning 2022
Press Release: Opinion poll shows that 80% of local residents are positive about the re-establishment of the Joma mine in Norway
Press Release: Announcement of Annual General Meeting in Bluelake Mineral AB (publ)
Press Release: Bluelake Mineral announces the outcome in the rights issue