Brandbee Holding AB Expands Portfolio with Acquisition of Holmasjön Prospektering AB
Brandbee Holding AB has announced the acquisition of Holmasjön Prospektering AB, marking a significant expansion into the natural resources sector. This move includes exploration activities for various valuable metals, reflecting the company's strategic diversification.

Brandbee Holding AB has acquired Holmasjön Prospektering AB, expanding into the natural resources sector. This acquisition includes exploration for copper, zinc, lead, iron, and rare earth elements, promising substantial growth in the face of rising global demand for these metals.
Brandbee Holding AB's recent acquisition of Holmasjön Prospektering AB marks a pivotal moment for the company as it diversifies its investment portfolio. This strategic move not only includes the previously communicated tailings at Kallmora but also extends to exploration activities for metals such as copper, zinc, lead, iron, and rare earth elements (REE).
In a statement, Magnus Clarenbring, CEO of Brandbee Holding AB, emphasized the significance of this acquisition: 'It is truly exciting to follow the development of the raw materials market day by day. Holmasjön has a good mix with its exposure to both existing tailings and ongoing exploration. The tailings are expected to generate positive cash flow in the near term, while the exploration activities create long-term value. The green transition will continue to keep demand for base metals high and thus continue high raw material prices, which is promising for the company.'
Market Overview
The market for these metals has shown substantial positive development recently:
- Bly: Priced at 2,246 USD/ton as of June 3, 2024. Despite a previous oversupply, the market for lead is expected to grow by approximately 16% by 2026, driven by demand in China, South Korea, Japan, and ASEAN countries.
- Zink: Priced at 3,041 USD/ton as of June 3, 2024. Demand for zinc is expected to triple by 2030, primarily due to its use in galvanization, which extends the lifespan of steel structures and reduces carbon emissions. The price of zinc has increased by 25% in the last quarter.
- Silver: Priced at 30.37 USD/ounce. Silver is critical for high-capacity batteries, electronics, and solar cells. Current market conditions indicate a 17% supply deficit, with potential prices reaching up to 70 USD/ounce, as per UBS reports.
- Koppar: Priced at 10,110 USD/ton as of June 3, 2024. Copper is essential for electrical conductivity and the green energy transition. The price of copper has increased by nearly 20% in the last quarter, with future demand expected to double by 2030.
Strategic Implications
Brandbee Holding AB's entry into the natural resources sector through the acquisition of Holmasjön Prospektering AB positions the company to capitalize on the growing demand for these critical metals. The combination of immediate cash flow from tailings and long-term value creation from exploration aligns with the broader market trends driven by the green transition and technological advancements.
Investors should consider the potential for substantial returns given the current market dynamics and the strategic positioning of Brandbee Holding AB. The company's ability to leverage its expertise in digital marketing alongside its new ventures in natural resources creates a diversified investment profile capable of weathering various economic cycles.
Brandbee Holding AB's strategic acquisition of Holmasjön Prospektering AB is a forward-thinking move that promises to deliver significant value to shareholders. Given the robust market demand for the metals being explored and the company's diversified investment strategy, stakeholders are well-positioned to benefit from both short-term and long-term gains.
Brandbee Holding AB har förvärvat Holmasjön Prospektering AB, som bedriver prospektering efter metaller som koppar, zink, bly, järn och sällsynta jordartsmetaller. Historiska prospekteringar har identifierat brytvärda metaller, och marknadsläget för dessa metaller har förbättrats. Företaget har noterat ökat intresse från aktieägare och presenterar uppdateringar om kommersiellt utvinningsbara metaller baserat på opartiska analyser. ### Metallpriser och Marknadsutsikter: - **Bly**: 2 246 USD/ton (2024-06-03). Överutbud på 92 000 ton förra året. Förväntad marknadstillväxt på 16 % till 2026, drivet av efterfrågan från Kina, Sydkorea, Japan och ASEAN-länder. - **Zink**: 3 041 USD/ton (2024-06-03). Efterfrågan väntas tredubblas till 2030, främst från USA och Kina. Ökad användning inom galvanisering och kritisk för bygg- och infrastrukturindustrin. - **Silver**: 30,37 USD/uns. Används i högkapacitetsbatterier och elektronik. Underskott på 17 % av efterfrågan. Pris kan stiga till 70 USD/uns enligt UBS. - **Koppar**: 10 110 USD/ton (2024-06-03). Viktig för elektricitetsledning och den gröna omställningen. Efterfrågan förväntas fördubblas till 2030. VD Magnus Clarenbring kommenterar att den gröna omställningen håller efterfrågan på basmetaller hög, vilket är positivt för bolaget. Brandbee Holding AB har utvidgat sin portfölj från digital marknadsföring till naturresurser, vilket skapar en diversifierad investeringsprofil. För mer information, kontakta Magnus Clarenbring, vd Brandbee Holding AB ( Mer information om Brandbees investeringar finns på