Citycon Oyj

Main Market, Helsinki

Senaste sammanfattade pressmeddelande från Citycon Oyj

Citycon Oyj announced that Phoenix Financial Ltd. has increased its shareholding in the company to over 5%, reaching 5.15% as of January 24, 2025. Phoenix Financial Ltd. is a holding company involved in various capital markets and financial services. Citycon, a Nordic real estate company with assets worth approximately EUR 4.0 billion, focuses on sustainable property management and operates in urban markets. The company has an investment-grade credit rating from Standard & Poor's and its shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. For more information, contact Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager at Citycon.
Citycon Oyj reported managers' transactions involving Per-Anders Ovin, a member of the board, on December 23, 2024. The transactions, dated December 20, 2024, involved the acquisition of shares with the ISIN FI4000369947 across various venues. The details are as follows: 1. Venue AQED: 905 shares at 3.1386 EUR each. 2. Venue BEUP: 1898 shares at 3.13704 EUR each. 3. Venue CEUD: 1102 shares at 3.139 EUR each. 4. Venue CEUX: 1728 shares at 3.13819 EUR each. 5. Venue DHEL: 1445 shares at 3.13815 EUR each. 6. Venue EBLX: 315 shares at 3.14 EUR each. 7. Venue TQEM: 885 shares at 3.13798 EUR each. 8. Venue TQEX: 767 shares at 3.13903 EUR each. 9. Venue NASDAQ Helsinki Ltd (XHEL): 2640 shares at 3.1398 EUR each. 10. Venue POSIT (XPOS): 315 shares at 3.14 EUR each. For more information, contact Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager, at +358 45 358 0570 or
Citycon Oyj announced a transaction involving a member of its Board of Directors, Adi Jemini. As per the resolution made at the Extraordinary General Meeting on June 18, 2024, the net annual fees for Board members, decided at the Annual General Meeting on March 19, 2024, are to be paid in shares of Citycon Oyj after tax deductions. On December 19, 2024, 7,377 shares were transferred to Adi Jemini as a share-based incentive, with a unit price of 0 EUR. For more details, contact Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager at Citycon Oyj.
Citycon Oyj's Annual General Meeting on March 19, 2024, decided on annual fees for its Board of Directors. Subsequently, an Extraordinary General Meeting on June 18, 2024, determined that these fees, after taxes and charges, would be paid in shares of Citycon Oyj. As a result, Board member Chaim Katzman received 22,535 shares as a share-based incentive on December 19, 2024. The transaction, conducted outside a trading venue, had a unit price of 0 EUR. For more information, Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager, can be contacted.
Citycon Oyj announced that, following resolutions made at the Annual General Meeting on March 19, 2024, and the Extraordinary General Meeting on June 18, 2024, the net annual fees for Board members will be paid in shares of the company. On December 19, 2024, Zvi Gordon, a Board member, received 8,039 shares as a share-based incentive, with a unit price of 0 EUR. For more details, contact Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager, at +358 45 358 0570 or
Citycon Oyj's Annual General Meeting on March 19, 2024, and an Extraordinary General Meeting on June 18, 2024, decided that the annual fees for Board members, after taxes and charges, would be paid in shares of Citycon Oyj. As a result, Board member Per-Anders Ovin received 4,750 shares as a share-based incentive on December 19, 2024. The transaction was conducted outside a trading venue with a unit price of 0 EUR. For more information, contact Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager at Citycon Oyj.
Citycon Oyj announced that, following a resolution at their Extraordinary General Meeting on June 18, 2024, the net annual fees for Board members, after taxes and charges, are to be paid in shares. As a result, David Lukes, a Board member, received shares as a share-based incentive. The transaction, which took place on December 19, 2024, involved the transfer of 7,476 shares at a unit price of 0 EUR. For more information, Anni Torkko, the Investor Relations Manager, can be contacted.
Citycon Oyj announced that, following resolutions made at their Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings in 2024, annual fees for Board members will be paid in shares after tax deductions. Judah Angster, a Board member, received 7,308 shares as part of this arrangement on December 19, 2024. The transaction was classified as a receipt of a share-based incentive, with a unit price of 0 EUR. For more details, contact Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager.


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Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Citycon Oyj: Johdon liiketoimet - Gazit Europe Netherlands B.V.
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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Citycon Oyj: Managers' Transactions - Gazit Europe Netherlands B.V.

Citycon Oyj reported a manager's transaction involving Gazit Europe Netherlands B.V., a closely associated legal person, on November 8, 2024. Chaim Katzman, a member of Citycon's Board, is the person discharging managerial responsibilities. The transaction, which took place on November 5, 2024, outside a trading venue, involved the pledging of shares with an ISIN of FI4000369947. The transaction volume was 19,723,221 shares, with a unit price of 0. For more information, contact Sakari Järvelä, CFO of Citycon Oyj.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Finansiell kalender: Cityconin taloudellinen raportointi ja yhtiökokous vuonna 2025
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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Finansiell kalender: Citycon's Financial Reporting Schedule and AGM in 2025

Citycon Oyj has announced its financial reporting schedule for 2025. The full-year financial report for 2024, including financial statements and the Board of Directors' report, will be released on February 26, 2025, after market close. The 2025 three-month interim report will be published on May 13, the half-yearly report on August 6, and the nine-month interim report on November 5, all after market close. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for March 20, 2025, at 12:00 noon EET, with the official notice to be issued later. Shareholders can propose discussion topics for the AGM by contacting the Board by January 31, 2025. Citycon is a significant real estate owner and manager in the Nordic region, focusing on mixed-use properties with a commitment to sustainability. The company has assets of approximately EUR 4.0 billion, an investment-grade credit rating from Standard & Poor's, and its shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. For more information, contact CFO Sakari Järvelä.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Insiderinformation: Sisäpiiritieto: Citycon päätti kvartaalivarojenjaosta
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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Insiderinformation: Inside information: Citycon decided on a quarterly distribution

Citycon Oyj's Board of Directors has decided to distribute an equity repayment of EUR 0.075 per share from the company's invested unrestricted equity fund, as authorized by the 2024 Annual General Meeting. This repayment will be made to shareholders recorded in the company's register by Euroclear Finland Ltd on the record date of December 20, 2024, and will be paid on December 31, 2024. Throughout 2024, Citycon Oyj has distributed a total of EUR 0.30 per share in equity repayments, fully utilizing the authorization from the Annual General Meeting. Citycon is a major real estate owner and manager in the Nordic region, focusing on mixed-use properties that integrate retail, residential, office, and municipal services. The company has assets valued at approximately EUR 4.0 billion and holds an investment-grade credit rating (BBB-) from Standard & Poor's. Citycon Oyj's shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. For more information, contact Chief Financial Officer Sakari Järvelä.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Interimsrapport: Citycon Q1-Q3/2024: Kokonaisnettovuokratuotot kasvoivat vahvasti operatiivisen tuloksen siivittämänä ja jatkoimme taseen vahvistamista

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Interimsrapport: Citycon Q1-Q3/2024: Accelerated total NRI growth driven by strong operational performance and further solidifying the balance sheet

Citycon Oyj reported strong operational performance for the first three quarters of 2024, with a notable 11.2% increase in total net rental income at comparable FX rates. The average rent per square meter rose by 4.1%, and retail occupancy slightly improved to 95.1%. Citycon focused on strengthening its balance sheet through a share issue and the placement of a green bond, while also executing several divestments, including properties in Norway and Sweden. The company's EPRA earnings per share saw slight fluctuations due to one-time costs and divestments. Citycon aims to continue improving its debt metrics and operational efficiency, with plans to decentralize decision-making and reduce expenses. The company remains committed to sustainable growth, with a robust divestment pipeline and a focus on enhancing its core assets in major cities. The outlook for 2024 remains stable, assuming no major economic disruptions. Citycon will hold an investor and press conference on 7 November 2024.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Kallelse till årsstämma: Notice to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Citycon Oyj

Citycon Oyj will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting on November 12, 2024, at 12 noon (EET) via remote connection in accordance with Finnish regulations. Shareholders can vote in advance, with instructions provided in the notice. The meeting agenda includes opening the meeting, electing individuals to scrutinize minutes and supervise vote counting, confirming the meeting's legality, recording attendance, and deciding on the number of Board members. The Board proposes increasing the Board to ten members and electing Eero Sihvonen as a new member, who is independent of significant shareholders but not the company due to his previous role as CFO. Meeting documents and participation instructions are available on Citycon's website. Shareholders can register and vote electronically or by mail. The company has 184,151,840 shares and votes as of the notice date. Citycon is a Nordic region real estate company with a focus on sustainable property management, listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Kallelse till årsstämma: Kutsu Citycon Oyj:n ylimääräiseen yhtiökokoukseen