Citycon Oyj

Main Market, Helsinki

Senaste sammanfattade pressmeddelande från Citycon Oyj

Citycon Oyj announced that Phoenix Financial Ltd. has increased its shareholding in the company to over 5%, reaching 5.15% as of January 24, 2025. Phoenix Financial Ltd. is a holding company involved in various capital markets and financial services. Citycon, a Nordic real estate company with assets worth approximately EUR 4.0 billion, focuses on sustainable property management and operates in urban markets. The company has an investment-grade credit rating from Standard & Poor's and its shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. For more information, contact Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager at Citycon.
Citycon Oyj reported managers' transactions involving Per-Anders Ovin, a member of the board, on December 23, 2024. The transactions, dated December 20, 2024, involved the acquisition of shares with the ISIN FI4000369947 across various venues. The details are as follows: 1. Venue AQED: 905 shares at 3.1386 EUR each. 2. Venue BEUP: 1898 shares at 3.13704 EUR each. 3. Venue CEUD: 1102 shares at 3.139 EUR each. 4. Venue CEUX: 1728 shares at 3.13819 EUR each. 5. Venue DHEL: 1445 shares at 3.13815 EUR each. 6. Venue EBLX: 315 shares at 3.14 EUR each. 7. Venue TQEM: 885 shares at 3.13798 EUR each. 8. Venue TQEX: 767 shares at 3.13903 EUR each. 9. Venue NASDAQ Helsinki Ltd (XHEL): 2640 shares at 3.1398 EUR each. 10. Venue POSIT (XPOS): 315 shares at 3.14 EUR each. For more information, contact Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager, at +358 45 358 0570 or
Citycon Oyj announced a transaction involving a member of its Board of Directors, Adi Jemini. As per the resolution made at the Extraordinary General Meeting on June 18, 2024, the net annual fees for Board members, decided at the Annual General Meeting on March 19, 2024, are to be paid in shares of Citycon Oyj after tax deductions. On December 19, 2024, 7,377 shares were transferred to Adi Jemini as a share-based incentive, with a unit price of 0 EUR. For more details, contact Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager at Citycon Oyj.
Citycon Oyj's Annual General Meeting on March 19, 2024, decided on annual fees for its Board of Directors. Subsequently, an Extraordinary General Meeting on June 18, 2024, determined that these fees, after taxes and charges, would be paid in shares of Citycon Oyj. As a result, Board member Chaim Katzman received 22,535 shares as a share-based incentive on December 19, 2024. The transaction, conducted outside a trading venue, had a unit price of 0 EUR. For more information, Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager, can be contacted.
Citycon Oyj announced that, following resolutions made at the Annual General Meeting on March 19, 2024, and the Extraordinary General Meeting on June 18, 2024, the net annual fees for Board members will be paid in shares of the company. On December 19, 2024, Zvi Gordon, a Board member, received 8,039 shares as a share-based incentive, with a unit price of 0 EUR. For more details, contact Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager, at +358 45 358 0570 or
Citycon Oyj's Annual General Meeting on March 19, 2024, and an Extraordinary General Meeting on June 18, 2024, decided that the annual fees for Board members, after taxes and charges, would be paid in shares of Citycon Oyj. As a result, Board member Per-Anders Ovin received 4,750 shares as a share-based incentive on December 19, 2024. The transaction was conducted outside a trading venue with a unit price of 0 EUR. For more information, contact Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager at Citycon Oyj.
Citycon Oyj announced that, following a resolution at their Extraordinary General Meeting on June 18, 2024, the net annual fees for Board members, after taxes and charges, are to be paid in shares. As a result, David Lukes, a Board member, received shares as a share-based incentive. The transaction, which took place on December 19, 2024, involved the transfer of 7,476 shares at a unit price of 0 EUR. For more information, Anni Torkko, the Investor Relations Manager, can be contacted.
Citycon Oyj announced that, following resolutions made at their Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings in 2024, annual fees for Board members will be paid in shares after tax deductions. Judah Angster, a Board member, received 7,308 shares as part of this arrangement on December 19, 2024. The transaction was classified as a receipt of a share-based incentive, with a unit price of 0 EUR. For more details, contact Anni Torkko, Investor Relations Manager.


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Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Citycon Oyj: Managers' Transactions - Katzman

On 1 August 2024, Citycon Oyj reported managers' transactions following resolutions from their Annual General Meeting on 19 March 2024 and an Extraordinary General Meeting on 18 June 2024. These resolutions determined that annual fees for Board members would be paid in shares after tax deductions. Consequently, Chaim Katzman, a Board member, received 19,628 shares of Citycon Oyj on 31 July 2024 as a share-based incentive. The transaction occurred outside a trading venue, with the shares valued at 0 EUR per unit. For more information, contact CFO Sakari Järvelä.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Citycon Oyj: Managers' Transactions - Lukes

Citycon Oyj announced managers' transactions on August 1, 2024. The Annual General Meeting on March 19, 2024, decided the annual fees for the Board of Directors, and the Extraordinary General Meeting on June 18, 2024, resolved that these fees, after taxes and charges, would be paid in shares. Consequently, shares have been transferred to Board member David Lukes. The transaction, dated July 31, 2024, involved 6,622 shares with a unit price of 0 EUR. For more information, contact CFO Sakari Järvelä.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Citycon Oyj: Managers' Transactions - Ovin

Citycon Oyj announced managers' transactions on 1 August 2024. The Annual General Meeting held on 19 March 2024 decided on the annual fees for the Board of Directors. An Extraordinary General Meeting on 18 June 2024 resolved that these fees, after taxes and charges, would be paid in Citycon Oyj shares. Consequently, shares were transferred to Board member Per-Anders Ovin as a share-based incentive. The transaction, recorded on 31 July 2024, involved 4,092 shares at a unit price of 0 EUR. For more information, contact CFO Sakari Järvelä.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Citycon Oyj: Managers' Transactions - Koifman

Citycon Oyj announced that Alexandre (Sandy) Koifman, a member of its Board of Directors, received shares as part of an annual fee arrangement decided by the Annual General Meeting on 19 March 2024 and further resolved by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 18 June 2024. The net amount of the annual fees for Board members and Committee Chairmen, after taxes and charges, is paid in Citycon Oyj shares. On 31 July 2024, Koifman received 5,729 shares at a unit price of 0 EUR as a share-based incentive. For further details, contact CFO Sakari Järvelä at +358 50 387 8180 or

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Totalt antal rösträtter och kapital: Citycon Oyj päätti suunnatusta maksuttomasta osakeannista hallituspalkkioiden maksamiseksi
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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Totalt antal rösträtter och kapital: Citycon Oyj resolved on a directed share issue without consideration for the payment of the remuneration to the Board of Directors

Citycon Oyj announced the resolutions from its Annual General Meeting on 19 March 2024 and its Extraordinary General Meeting on 18 June 2024 regarding the annual fees for its Board of Directors. The fees, after tax deductions, will be paid in two equal instalments in new or treasury shares of Citycon Oyj. The Board authorized a directed share issue without consideration to implement these resolutions, issuing up to 67,636 new shares to Board members as part of their remuneration. The Chairman will receive EUR 160,000 annually, Deputy Chairmen EUR 70,000, and ordinary members EUR 50,000, with an additional EUR 5,000 for Committee Chairmen. The shares will be issued based on the average share price on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd from 27 June to 11 July 2024, with the cash portion covering withholding tax. The new shares are expected to be registered on 30 July 2024 and traded publicly from 31 July 2024, increasing the total number of shares to 184,151,840. The second instalment will be paid in December. Citycon is a prominent real estate company in the Nordic region, managing assets worth approximately EUR 4.2 billion and listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Insiderinformation: Inside information: Citycon decided on a quarterly distribution

Citycon Oyj's Board of Directors has decided to distribute an equity repayment of EUR 0.075 per share from the company's invested unrestricted equity fund, based on the authorisation by the Annual General Meeting 2024. Shareholders registered by Euroclear Finland Ltd on the record date of 23 September 2024 will receive the payment on 30 September 2024. This brings the total equity repayment for 2024 to EUR 0.225 per share, with a remaining authorisation of EUR 0.075 per share. Citycon Oyj is a major owner, manager, and developer of mixed-use real estate in the Nordic region, with assets totaling approximately EUR 4.2 billion and an investment-grade credit rating from Standard & Poor's. The company's shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. For more information, contact Chief Financial Officer Sakari Järvelä.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Insiderinformation: Sisäpiiritieto: Citycon päätti kvartaalivarojenjaosta
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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Halvårsrapport: Citycon H1/2024: Strong operational performance combined with continued actions to improve credit profile

Citycon Oyj reported strong operational performance for the first half of 2024, with total net rental income increasing by 9.9% and like-for-like net rental income by 5.9% compared to the previous year. Retail occupancy rose to 95.2%, and the collection rate remained high at 98%. The company focused on strengthening its balance sheet by extending credit facilities, redeeming bonds early, and executing a hybrid exchange. Citycon aims to achieve a EUR 350 million divestment target by the end of the year. The outlook assumes stable macroeconomic conditions and no major disruptions from the war in Ukraine. An investor webcast will be held on 18 July 2024.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Citycon Oyj

Halvårsrapport: Citycon H1/2024: Vahva operatiivinen tulos yhdistettynä toimenpiteisiin taseen vahvistamiseksi

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