Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för G-Loot Global Esport AB

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Nyhetsuppdatering från G-Loot Global Esport AB

Press Release: Sale of G-Loot

Vantura BidCo HB (the "Bidder") has declared its offer to acquire all shares in G-Loot unconditional and now owns approximately 90.8% of G-Loot's shares. Shareholders will receive SEK 6.95 per share in cash, with settlement expected to begin on 3 October 2024. The acceptance period for the remaining shareholders is extended to 22 October 2024, 15:00 (CEST), with the same cash consideration of SEK 6.95 per share. The Bidder will initiate compulsory redemption proceedings to acquire all remaining shares, which may take 12-18 months. The Board of Directors of G-Loot recommends shareholders accept the offer. Shareholders holding shares via a nominee will receive instructions from their nominee or bank, while those holding shares directly will receive an acceptance form and information letter, which should be completed and sent to Carnegie Investment Bank by 26 September 2024. For further information, shareholders can contact Carl Magnusson or Transaction Support at Carnegie Investment Bank.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från G-Loot Global Esport AB

Press Release: Contemplated sale of G-Loot

Dear Shareholders, The Board of Directors of G-Loot announced that a potential buyer, Vantura BidCo HB, has made a cash offer to purchase all shares of G-Loot. This offer follows an extensive process to find the best value for shareholders, and it is expected to provide a higher payout per share compared to liquidation and quicker access to funds. Shareholders representing about 47% of G-Loot's shares have expressed their intention to accept the offer. If the bidder acquires more than 90% of the outstanding shares by the end of the initial acceptance period (September 11-26, 2024), the offer price will be SEK 6.95 per share; otherwise, it will be SEK 6.00 per share, conditional on eventually reaching the 90% threshold. If the bidder reaches the 90% ownership, they plan to initiate compulsory redemption to acquire the remaining shares, a process that could take 12-18 months. The Board recommends that shareholders accept the offer. Instructions for acceptance will be provided by nominees or directly to shareholders. For further information, contact Carnegie Investment Bank's transaction support. Sincerely, The Board of Directors of G-Loot

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Nyhetsuppdatering från G-Loot Global Esport AB

Press Release: Aktieägarna i G-Loot Global Esports AB

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Nyhetsuppdatering från G-Loot Global Esport AB

Press Release: Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma

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Nyhetsuppdatering från G-Loot Global Esport AB

Press Release: Aktieägarna i G-Loot Global Esports AB (publ)

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Nyhetsuppdatering från G-Loot Global Esport AB

Report: Interim financial statement July - September 2021

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Nyhetsuppdatering från G-Loot Global Esport AB

Press Release: Aktieägarna i G-Loot Global Esports AB (publ)

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Nyhetsuppdatering från G-Loot Global Esport AB

Press Release: Aktieägarna i G-Loot Global Esports AB (publ)

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Nyhetsuppdatering från G-Loot Global Esport AB

Report: Delårsbokslut jan - dec 2020

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Nyhetsuppdatering från G-Loot Global Esport AB

Press Release: Role change in G-Loot: CEO and Chairman of the Board swap positions

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