Genetic Analysis

Om Genetic Analysis
Genetic Analysis är verksamma inom medicinteknik. Bolaget bedriver forskning och utveckling inom området för diagnostik, med störst fokus mot mänsklig mikrobiomet. Tekniken utgår ifrån bolagets forskningsplattform och IVD-produkterna används exempelvis för testtagning och analys av bakterier och virus. Störst verksamhet återfinns inom den nordiska marknaden och produkterna vidaresäljs huvudsakligen till laboratorier. Bolaget har sitt huvudkontor i Oslo, Norge.
Senaste sammanfattade pressmeddelande från Genetic Analysis
Genetic Analysis (GA), under CEO Ronny Hermansen, reported record sales in Q4 2024, with a 63% increase compared to the previous year, reaching NOK 6.2 million. The company achieved its first positive EBITDA of NOK 0.4 million, marking a significant milestone. The GA-map® Dysbiosis Test sales grew 49% in Q4 and 37% YTD. A major agreement with Ferring Pharmaceuticals was signed to develop a new microbiome-based diagnostic test, targeting a launch in H1 2025. Financial highlights include an operating income of NOK 7.3 million in Q4, with a net loss of NOK 0.9 million. Operating costs decreased by 37% in Q4, attributed to reduced R&D expenses and general cost cuts. Significant events included share purchases by GA’s Head of Operations and CEO, and a collaboration with Ferring Pharmaceuticals to develop a new PCR test. No significant events were reported after the period. GA aims to lead in standardized gut microbiota testing globally.
Press release from Companies: Genetic Analysis AS: Genetic Analysis AS erhåller CE-IVDR-märkning för sitt GA-map® provtagningskit
Press release from Companies: Genetic Analysis subsequent offering to existing shareholders has now been registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises
Press release from Companies: Genetic Analysis announces final outcome of the subsequent offering to existing shareholders
Press release from Companies: Genetic Analysis announces final outcome of the subsequent offering to existing shareholders
Press release from Companies: Genetic Analysis announces preliminary outcome of the subsequent offering to existing shareholders
Press release from Companies: Genetic Analysis partners up to enter the consumer market with GA-map®
Press release from Companies: Genetic Analysis ingår partnerskap för att ta steget in på konsumentmarknaden med GA-map®
Press release from Companies: Genetic Analysis ingår partnerskap för att ta steget in på konsumentmarknaden med GA-map®
Press release from Companies: Genetic Analysis summarizes this year's product development activities and looks ahead to 2024
Press release from Companies: Genetic Analysis sammanfattar årets produktutvecklingsaktiviteter och blickar framåt mot 2024