Medclair Expands in UK with New Orders for Mobile Nitrous Oxide Destructors


Medclair Invest AB continues its expansion in the UK market by securing orders for ten mobile nitrous oxide destructors from a new region.

a woman in a white coat


Medclair Invest AB has expanded its presence in the UK healthcare market by securing orders for ten mobile nitrous oxide destructors. The company aims to increase recurring revenue through rental solutions.

Medclair Invest AB, a leading Swedish green-tech company specializing in safe and climate-smart nitrous oxide destruction, has announced a significant milestone in its expansion strategy. The company has secured orders for ten mobile nitrous oxide destructors from a new region in the UK. This development marks Medclair's rapid establishment in two new healthcare areas within the UK, a market identified as having substantial potential for growth.

Jonas Lundh, CEO of Medclair, expressed his enthusiasm about the new orders, stating, 'Our rental solutions provide customers with quick access to safe and climate-friendly nitrous oxide. We see great benefits with this business model, which, in addition to ensuring ongoing revenue, offers customers flexible options to meet their needs.'

The UK market is a key focus for Medclair, given its size and potential. The company's strategy to increase the proportion of customers opting for rental solutions is aimed at enhancing its revenue mix towards a greater share of recurring income. This approach not only ensures a steady stream of income but also aligns with the company's commitment to providing environmentally sustainable solutions.

Medclair's mobile nitrous oxide destructors are designed to significantly reduce the environmental impact of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas, while also improving the working environment for healthcare professionals. The company's innovative solutions have positioned it as a leader in the market, with operations in twenty countries worldwide.

For investors, Medclair's expansion in the UK and its focus on rental solutions present a promising opportunity. The recurring revenue model provides financial stability and predictability, which is particularly valuable in the volatile healthcare market. Additionally, the growing emphasis on climate-friendly technologies aligns well with global trends towards sustainability, potentially attracting more environmentally-conscious investors.

Given the company's strategic direction and recent successes, it may be prudent for investors to hold onto their Medclair shares. The ongoing expansion and the shift towards rental solutions are likely to yield long-term benefits, making Medclair a potentially lucrative investment in the green-tech sector.



Medclair fortsätter stärka sin position i Storbritannien


Medclair expanderar på den brittiska marknaden och har fått en order för uthyrning av 10 mobila lustgasdestruktorer från en ny region. Företaget har nyligen etablerat närvaro i två nya sjukvårdsområden i Storbritannien, en av dess fokusmarknader på grund av dess stora potential. Medclair strävar efter att öka andelen kunder som väljer hyreslösningar för att få mer återkommande intäkter. VD Jonas Lundh betonar att hyreslösningarna ger kunderna snabb tillgång till säker och klimatvänlig lustgas samt flexibla alternativ för att möta deras behov. Medclair är ett svenskt green-tech bolag verksamt i tjugo länder och erbjuder lösningar för att minska lustgasens klimatpåverkan och förbättra arbetsmiljön. Företaget är noterat på NGM Nordic SME.

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