Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Outokumpu Oyj

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Finansiell kalender: Outokummun päivitetyt tulosjulkistusajankohdat vuonna 2025
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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Finansiell kalender: Outokumpu's updated financial reporting schedule in 2025

Outokumpu Corporation announced a change in the publication date for its January-September 2025 interim financial report, moving it from October 30 to October 29, 2025. Outokumpu is a global leader in sustainable stainless steel production, emphasizing the use of recycled materials and a low carbon footprint. The company is committed to mitigating climate change and supports its clients in reducing emissions. Outokumpu employs around 8,500 people across nearly 30 countries, with headquarters in Helsinki, Finland, and is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. For further information, investors can contact Linda Häkkilä, Head of Investor Relations, and media inquiries can be directed to the Outokumpu media desk.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Nyheter för investerare: Outokummun Kemin kaivoksen malmivarat kasvoivat 95 prosentilla
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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Nyheter för investerare: Outokumpu's mineral reserves in Kemi chrome mine increased by 95%

Outokumpu Corporation, a leader in sustainable stainless steel, announced a significant 95% increase in mineral reserves at its Kemi chrome mine in Finland, following new underground drillings. The reserves are now estimated at 62.5 million tonnes, potentially generating a turnover of EUR 15 billion if sold as ferrochrome. The company has invested over EUR 280 million in expanding the mine and upgrading its systems to secure chromium availability until the 2050s, without needing further major investments. Outokumpu aims to make the Kemi mine the world's first carbon-neutral mine by the end of 2025, highlighting its commitment to sustainability. The company's products, made from 95% recycled materials, have a carbon footprint up to 75% lower than the industry average, supporting efforts to mitigate climate change. Outokumpu employs around 8,500 people in nearly 30 countries, with headquarters in Helsinki, Finland.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Övrig information som ska lämnas enligt börsens regler: Muutos Outokummun osakkeenomistajien nimitystoimikunnan ehdotuksiin varsinaiselle yhtiökokoukselle 2025

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Övrig information som ska lämnas enligt börsens regler: Outokumpu - Change to the Proposals of the Shareholders' Nomination Board to the Annual General Meeting 2025

Outokumpu Corporation announced a change to the proposals of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board for the Annual General Meeting 2025. Pierre Vareille, a current Board member, will not seek re-election for personal reasons, leading the Nomination Board to propose an eight-member Board instead of nine. The current members Heinz Jörg Fuhrmann, Kari Jordan, Päivi Luostarinen, Jyrki Mäki-Kala, Petter Söderström, and Julia Woodhouse are proposed for re-election, while Hilde Merete Aasheim and Olavi Huhtala are proposed as new members. Kari Jordan is proposed as Chairman and Jyrki Mäki-Kala as Vice Chairman. The Board members have confirmed their independence from the company and major shareholders, except for Petter Söderström, who is independent of the company but not of major shareholder Solidium Oy. The Nomination Board proposes an increase in annual remuneration for the Board, with 40% paid in company shares, and unchanged meeting fees. The Shareholders’ Nomination Board includes representatives from Solidium Oy, Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company, The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, and Outokumpu. Outokumpu is focused on sustainable stainless steel production, using 95% recycled materials and maintaining a low carbon footprint. The company employs around 8,500 people globally and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Övrig information som ska lämnas enligt börsens regler: Outokumpu - Proposals of the Shareholders' Nomination Board to the Annual General Meeting 2025

Outokumpu Corporation's Shareholders’ Nomination Board has made proposals for the 2025 Annual General Meeting regarding the Board of Directors' composition and remuneration. The Board is proposed to consist of nine members, with seven current members being re-elected and two new members, Hilde Merete Aasheim and Olavi Huhtala, being elected. Kari Jordan is proposed to continue as Chairman, and Jyrki Mäki-Kala as Vice Chairman. The proposed Board members have agreed to their appointments and confirmed their independence from the company, except for Petter Söderström, who is not independent from one major shareholder, Solidium Oy. The Nomination Board suggests that the Board be elected as a whole rather than individually. For remuneration, it is proposed that 40% be paid in the company's shares, with an option for cash payment if a member's existing shares exceed the annual remuneration value. Meeting fees remain unchanged at EUR 800 per meeting, or EUR 1,600 for meetings outside a member's country of residence. The Nomination Board includes representatives from Solidium Oy, Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company, The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, and Outokumpu. Outokumpu, a leader in sustainable stainless steel, focuses on the circular economy and aims to support climate change mitigation with a lower carbon footprint. The company employs about 8,500 people in nearly 30 countries, with headquarters in Helsinki, Finland.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Övrig information som ska lämnas enligt börsens regler: Outokummun osakkeenomistajien nimitystoimikunnan ehdotukset varsinaiselle yhtiökokoukselle 2025

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Insiderinformation: Inside information, profit warning: Outokumpu's fourth-quarter 2024 adjusted EBITDA expected to be close to break-even or turn negative

Outokumpu Corporation expects its adjusted EBITDA for the fourth quarter of 2024 to be lower than the third quarter's EUR 86 million, possibly nearing break-even or turning negative. This is attributed to a weaker stainless steel market, extended maintenance at its Tornio site, and negative inventory impacts. Stainless steel deliveries are projected to decrease by 0-10%, leaning towards the lower end of this range. The company will release its full-year 2024 results on February 13, 2025. Outokumpu is focused on sustainable practices, producing stainless steel from 95% recycled materials, and aims to support climate goals with a significantly lower carbon footprint. The company employs around 8,500 people in nearly 30 countries, with headquarters in Helsinki, Finland.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Insiderinformation: Sisäpiiritieto, tulosvaroitus: Outokummun vuoden 2024 neljännen neljänneksen oikaistun käyttökatteen odotetaan olevan lähellä nollaa tai kääntyvän negatiiviseksi
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