Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Phase Holographic
Press release from Companies: Founder and board member subscribes for shares in the ongoing rights issue
Press release from Companies: PHI at Aktieportföljen Live, BioStock and Financial Stockholm
Press release from Companies: Notice of General Meeting in Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ)
Press release from Companies: Notice of General Meeting in Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ)
Press release from Companies: Kallelse till bolagsstämma i Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ)
Press release from Companies: The subscription period in PHI’s fully secured rights issue commences today
Press release from Companies: PHI publishes prospectus due to upcoming rights issue
Press release from Companies: Kommuniké från extra bolagsstämma i Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ)
Press release from Companies: Kommuniké från extra bolagsstämma i Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ)
Press release from Companies: Bulletin from Extraordinary General Meeting of Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ)