Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för PILA PHARMA AB
Pila Pharma AB has been awarded an innovation grant from the Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova, to further develop its intellectual property (IP) strategy. The grant, worth SEK 100,000, was handled through the local Incubator at Medeon Science Park in Malmö, Sweden. Pila Pharma AB is working with Scandinavian IP boutique firm HØIBERG to update its IP strategy. The company's initial patents were for the use of TRPV1 antagonists in the treatment of obesity and related diseases. The company is now looking to file new patents to protect its future business. The updated IP strategy will support the company's business strategy and cover potential additional markets.
Pila Pharma AB has shifted to half-year financial reporting to cut internal administrative costs. The company's next financial report is due on August 27, 2024, as previously stated in the 2023 Financial Year-End Report. Pila Pharma AB, a Swedish biotech firm, is developing TRPV1 antagonists for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and other inflammation-related diseases. Its share ticker, PILA, is traded on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Sweden. The company is currently focusing on three projects related to diabetes/obesity, erythromelalgia, and abdominal aorta aneurism. Pila Pharma has secured funding for a phase 2a dose-escalation study of XEN-D0501, its development candidate, in overweight or obese people with type 2 diabetes.
Dorte X. Gram has been elected as the new Chairman of the Board of Pila Pharma AB, stepping down from her previous role as CEO. In her place, Gustav H. Gram has been appointed as the new CEO. Dorte X. Gram will also take on the role of Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) to strengthen the company's R&D focus. The reshuffling aims to enhance the company's market focus and prepare it for growth. Additionally, two new members have been elected to the Board of Directors, Lasse Richter Petersen and Julie Waras Brogren, to boost the company's financial, strategic and market insight.
Pila Pharma AB höll sin årsstämma den 18 april 2024. Huvudsakliga beslut inkluderade fastställandet av resultat- och balansräkningar för 2023 samt beslut om att ingen utdelning skulle ges för samma år. Styrelsen och verkställande direktören beviljades ansvarsfrihet för förvaltningen under 2023. Omval av styrelseledamöter och revisor genomfördes, och styrelsearvoden bestämdes. Årsstämman beslutade också att bemyndiga styrelsen att fatta beslut om nyemission av aktier och/eller teckningsoptioner och/eller konvertibler fram till nästa årsstämma. Bolaget fokuserar för närvarande på tre projekt inom diabetes/obesitas, erytromelalgi och bukaortaaneurysm. Bolagets aktie, PILA, handlas på Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
PILA PHARMA AB (publ), a Swedish biotech company, has invited investors to participate in several upcoming events where it will present its investment case and developments around its potential pill treatment for diabetes, obesity, and related diseases. The events include the Redeye Online Investor Event on 11 April 2024, the Dansk Aktionærforening Fyn [INVESTOR DAGEN] on 16 April 2024, and the Aktiespararna Online Lifescience Day on 17 April 2024. The company is focusing on three projects related to Diabetes/Obesity, Erythromelalgia, and Abdominal Aorta Aneurism. PILA PHARMA's share ticker PILA is traded on Nasdaq First North Growth Market, Sweden.
PILA PHARMA AB has moved the publication date for its annual report for the financial year ending 31 December 2023 from 21 March 2024 to 20 March 2024. The company, which trades under the ticker PILA on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Sweden, is a biotech firm focused on developing TRPV1 antagonists for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and other inflammatory diseases. Its key development candidate is XEN-D0501, which has shown promise in early trials for enhancing insulin response and reducing inflammation. The company is also exploring the use of XEN-D0501 for treating obesity, erythromelalgia, and abdominal aorta aneurism.
PILA PHARMA AB har kallat till årsstämma den 18 april 2024 hos MAQS Advokatbyrå i Malmö. Aktieägare som önskar delta ska vara registrerade i aktieboken senast den 10 april 2024 och anmäla deltagande senast den 15 april. Dagordningen inkluderar bland annat godkännande av årsredovisning, val av styrelse och revisor, samt beslut om eventuell nyemission av aktier. Styrelsen föreslår att ingen utdelning görs för räkenskapsåret 2023. Valberedningen föreslår omval av flera nuvarande styrelseledamöter och nyval av Lasse Richter Petersen. Revisionsbolaget Deloitte föreslås för omval som revisor.
Founder and CEO of PILA PHARMA AB, Dorte X. Gram, has been nominated to become the company's next Chairman of the Board. The announcement was made in the call for the company's Annual General Meeting, scheduled for 18 April 2024. If Gram receives shareholder support and becomes Chairman, she will step down as CEO and the company will search for a replacement. PILA PHARMA is a Swedish biotech firm focused on developing TRPV1 antagonists for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and other inflammatory diseases. The company's share ticker, PILA, is traded on Nasdaq First North Growth Market, Sweden.
Swedish biotech company, PILA PHARMA AB, has announced a series of upcoming investor events in Denmark and Sweden, both in-person and online, from 21 March to 18 April 2024. The events will feature discussions by the company's CEO and Founder, Dorte X. Gram, on the company's potential novel pill treatment for diabetes, obesity, and related conditions. PILA PHARMA is focused on the development of TRPV1 antagonists for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and other inflammatory diseases. The company's main development candidate is XEN-D0501, a selective, synthetic potent small molecule TRPV1 antagonist. PILA PHARMA's shares are traded on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Sweden.