Reka Industrial Oyj
Om Reka Industrial Oyj
Senaste sammanfattade pressmeddelande från Reka Industrial Oyj
Reka Industrial Plc's shareholders, representing over 50% of the votes, have proposed a resolution to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 23 April 2024. The proposal includes confirming the number of board members at four, with no deputy members to be elected. The shareholders have also suggested the re-election of Päivi Marttila, Eeva Raita, Markku E. Rentto, and Leena Saarinen to the board, with Leena Saarinen as Chairperson and Päivi Marttila as Vice Chairperson. The proposed annual remuneration for board members is EUR 25,000, EUR 50,000 for the chairperson, and EUR 2,500 for committee members. Travel expenses for board members will be compensated, and voluntary pension insurance contributions will be paid. No separate meeting fees are to be paid.