Smoltek Expands Share Capital Through Bond Conversion
Smoltek announces a significant increase in share capital through the conversion of bonds into shares, signaling a strategic financial maneuver.

Smoltek converts SEK 2,040,000 into shares, increasing share capital and offering bondholders conversion opportunities until 2027.
Smoltek, a prominent player in the nanotechnology sector, has announced a strategic financial move by converting SEK 2,040,000 worth of convertible bonds into shares. This conversion results in an increase of 4,857,141 shares, raising the company's share capital by SEK 578,622.719256. Post-conversion, Smoltek's share capital will stand at SEK 9,753,653.188358, with a total of 81,875,231 shares.
The conversion price is set at SEK 0.42 per share, providing an attractive opportunity for bondholders. However, those looking to convert their bonds after January 31, 2026, will face a 10% increase in the conversion price, making it SEK 0.46 per share. This strategic timeline encourages early conversion, potentially stabilizing Smoltek's financial structure and fostering investor confidence.
Smoltek's focus on semiconductors and hydrogen, underpinned by a robust patent portfolio of over 110 filed patents, positions it strongly within the industry. The company's innovative use of carbon nanotechnology to address complex materials technology challenges is a promising aspect for future growth.
Investors should consider the potential of Smoltek's growth in the nanotechnology market, especially given its strategic financial decisions and extensive patent protection. However, as a development company, certain risks remain, and forward-looking statements should be viewed as forecasts rather than guarantees.
Given the current market conditions and Smoltek's strategic maneuvers, the recommendation is to hold the stock. While the company's innovations and financial strategies are promising, potential investors should monitor market developments and Smoltek's progress in its business areas.
SEK 2,040,000 konverteras till aktier i Smoltek, vilket ökar antalet aktier med 4,857,141 och aktiekapitalet med SEK 578,622.72. Efter konverteringen kommer aktiekapitalet att vara SEK 9,753,653.19 och antalet aktier 81,875,231. Konverteringskursen för de konvertibla skuldebreven är SEK 0.42 per aktie. Innehavare kan konvertera sina skuldebrev till aktier fram till 31 januari 2027, med en kursökning till SEK 0.46 per aktie efter 31 januari 2026. Rätten att konvertera upphör efter lånets förfallodag. Smoltek utvecklar produkter baserade på nanoteknik inom halvledare och väte, och har över 110 patent, varav 94 beviljade. Företagets aktier handlas på Spotlight Stock Market under symbolen SMOL.