
Om Spermosens
Spermosens är verksamt inom medicinteknik. Bolaget är specialiserat inom utveckling av medicintekniska produkter. Produktportföljen är bred och inkluderar produkter för manlig infertilitet och individuellt anpassade fertilitetsbehandlingar. Forskning och utveckling bedrivs via egen teknologisk plattform som analyserar spermiekvalitén som vidare används för medicinskt underlag och potentiell befruktning. Störst verksamhet återfinns inom den nordiska marknaden.
Senaste sammanfattade pressmeddelande från Spermosens
The subscription price for TO3 warrants was set at SEK 0.13, but no subscriptions were received as the price exceeded the market value. Consequently, there will be no increase in share capital or dilution for existing shareholders. Spermosens recently secured SEK 10.8 million from a directed share issue by a consortium of strategic investors, ensuring funding until the second half of 2026, when the company expects to achieve cash flow positivity through revenue from license agreements in the global Assisted Reproductive Technology market. Upcoming TO5 and TO6 warrants will be exercisable in June 2025 and November 2026, respectively. Spermosens AB, based in Sweden, is a biotechnology company focused on improving fertility treatments through innovative diagnostic solutions, with its shares traded on the Spotlight Stock Market.
The Board of Directors of Spermosens has decided to conduct a directed share issue, authorized by an extraordinary general meeting, raising SEK 10.8 million by issuing approximately 1.35 billion new shares at SEK 0.0080 per share. This funding is expected to support the company until the second half of 2026, when it aims to achieve cash flow positivity through license agreements in the global Assisted Reproductive Technology market. The investment consortium is led by Mount Nebo Capital and includes UNITY Innovation Alliance and seven Nordic and German institutional investors and family offices. UIA will provide strategic and operational advice, aiding in product development and market strategy. The funds will be used for clinical studies, technology optimization, validation, and business development. The decision to proceed with a directed share issue, rather than a rights issue, was made after considering various financing options. Spermosens, a biotechnology company focused on fertility diagnostics, aims to enhance fertility treatments with its JUNO-Checked product. Advisors for the transaction include Scalania AG, Bergs Securities AB, and Fram Advokatbyrå.
The TO3 warrants were issued as part of a rights issue announced on February 20, 2024, with a subscription period ending on April 17, 2024. Each warrant allows the holder to purchase one new Spermosens share at 0.13 SEK. The exercise period is from February 17, 2025, to March 3, 2025. The subscription price was set before a new share issue in November 2024. Currently, the warrants are out of the money, as the subscription price is higher than the market price. If all TO3 warrants are exercised, the company's share capital would rise by 277,043.936 SEK, leading to a dilution of about 32.8% for existing shareholders. The warrants include standard adjustment terms for new share issues or similar events. For more details, contact CEO Tore Duvold at info@spermosens.com.
Nordnet Bank AB has acquired 159,160,436 shares, representing 12.09% of voting rights and capital. Michael Kantor acquired 93,368,016 shares, equating to 7.01% of voting rights and capital. Henrik Jensen increased his holding to 91,200,461 shares, now representing 6.93% of voting rights and capital. FlexMedical Solutions Ltd increased their holding to 83,227,374 shares, amounting to 6.32% of voting rights and capital. The updated list of major shareholders will be available on Spermosens.com. Spermosens AB, a Swedish biotechnology company, focuses on advancing fertility treatments through innovative diagnostic solutions, collaborating with research institutions and partners. Their shares are listed on the Spotlight Stock Market under the name SPERM.
The financial document outlines the current and proposed changes to share capital and share numbers under different alternatives. The current articles allow for a minimum share capital of 1,000,000 and a maximum of 4,000,000, with shares ranging from 500,000,000 to 2,000,000,000. Alternative A proposes increasing these numbers significantly, while Alternative B suggests a slightly smaller increase.
The Extraordinary General Meeting approved the Board's decision on a directed issue of warrants, allowing the issuance of up to 329,476,600 warrants of series TO5 and TO6, potentially increasing share capital by SEK 658,953.2 each. Subscription rights are given to a select group of external investors, existing shareholders involved in a previous directed share issue, and JEQ Capital AB, which receives additional warrants free of charge.
Furthermore, the meeting approved a shareholders' proposal for a directed share issue of up to 39,433,600 shares, increasing share capital by SEK 78,867.2. This issue is directed to specific entities, including Sporcon Lifescience Advisors ApS and others, each receiving a specified number of shares. Additionally, a directed issue of up to 19,716,800 warrants of series TO5 and TO6 was approved, with potential capital increases of SEK 39,433.6 each, directed to the same entities as the share issue. For every two subscribed shares, subscribers are entitled to one warrant of each series. For further information, contact Tore Duvold, CEO.
Under 2024 genomförde Spermosens flera viktiga aktiviteter, inklusive en nyemission på cirka 22,7 miljoner SEK och rekrytering av det första paret till en klinisk studie för deras nästa generations fertilitetsdiagnostik för män. Bolaget fick också ett brett amerikanskt patent för sin JUNO-Checked-teknologi och ingick ett kommersiellt partnerskap i Japan. Spermosens rapporterade starka framsteg i sin kliniska studie och fokuserade på affärsutveckling för att minska kostnaderna. De genomförde även riktade emissioner och tog upp en kreditfacilitet. Nettoförsäljningen var obefintlig, men bolaget redovisade en förbättrad finansiell ställning med minskade förluster jämfört med föregående år. Spermosens planerar att avsluta sin kliniska studie 2025 och siktar på att etablera partnerskap inom den globala spermabanksmarknaden. CEO Tore Duvold uttryckte optimism inför framtiden och tackade aktieägare och anställda för deras stöd.
Spermosens AB är ett svenskt bioteknikföretag som fokuserar på att förbättra fertilitetsbehandlingar genom innovativa diagnostiska lösningar. Företaget utvecklar avancerade teknologier för att förbättra fertilitetsresultat och förenkla behandlingsprocessen för dem som möter infertilitetsutmaningar. Deras produkt, JUNO-Checked, syftar till att öka precisionen och effektiviteten i fertilitetsdiagnostik. Spermosens samarbetar med forskningsinstitutioner och kommersiella partners för att erbjuda banbrytande lösningar. Företagets aktier är noterade på Spotlight Stock Market under kortnamnet SPERM med ISIN-kod SE0015346424.
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Press release from Companies: Spermosens announces the last day of trading in BTU and the first day of trading in warrants series TO 5 and TO 6
Press release from Companies: Spermosens announces the last day of trading in BTU and the first day of trading in warrants series TO 5 and TO 6
Press release from Companies: Spermosens carries out directed issues of approx. MSEK 5.59, takes up credit facility of MSEK 1.00, and receives proposal of directed issues of approx. MSEK 0.39
Press release from Companies: Spermosens announces positive results from ongoing clinical study
Press release from Companies: Spermosens announces positive results from ongoing clinical study
Press release from Companies: Spermosens announces positive results from ongoing clinical study
Press release from Companies: Spermosens publishes outcome in rights issue