Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Terveystalo Oyj
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Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Terveystalo Plc: Managers' Transactions, Stefan Kullgren
Interimsrapport: Terveystalo Group Interim Report January-March 2024: Strong performance driven by improved operational efficiency
In Q1 2024, Terveystalo Plc reported strong performance with a 3% increase in revenue to EUR 350 million and a nearly 30% rise in adjusted EBITA to EUR 47 million. Healthcare Services, the company's core business, drove this growth with a revenue increase of over 7% to EUR 268 million. Despite challenges in the Swedish market, the company met its profit improvement program target of EUR 50 million ahead of schedule. For 2024, Terveystalo expects its revenue to grow and its adjusted EBITA margin to be between 10.5 and 11.5 percent. The company plans to continue focusing on operational efficiency and aims to reach an EBITA target of 12% in 2025.
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