Terveystalo Oyj

Main Market, Helsinki

Senaste sammanfattade pressmeddelande från Terveystalo Oyj

Sari Heinonen, Executive Vice President of Healthcare Services at Terveystalo Plc, will leave the company on April 15, 2025, to become President of LocalTapiola Group. Terveystalo plans to announce her successor later. CEO Ville Iho expressed gratitude for Heinonen's leadership, noting the successful completion of a profit improvement program and a strong development agenda. Heinonen praised her team and expressed confidence in Terveystalo's future success. Terveystalo is Finland's largest private healthcare provider and a leading occupational health provider in the Nordic region, with extensive services and a significant customer base.
Terveystalo Plc announced that its Shareholders' Nomination Board has made proposals for the 2025 Annual General Meeting. The Board recommends that the number of Board members remain at seven, with Kari Kauniskangas, Sofia Hasselberg, Ari Lehtoranta, Carola Lemne, Kristian Pullola, Matts Rosenberg, and Teija Sarajärvi being re-elected. Kari Kauniskangas is proposed to continue as Chairman, and Matts Rosenberg as Vice Chairman. All candidates are independent of the company, with Matts Rosenberg not being independent of major shareholders due to his role as CEO of Rettig Group. The Nomination Board also proposed that Board members receive part of their remuneration in company shares and cash, with specific attendance fees for meetings based on the location of residence. The proposals will be included in the invitation to the Annual General Meeting. Terveystalo is the largest private healthcare provider in Finland and a leading occupational health provider in the Nordic region, employing over 15,500 professionals.
Terveystalo Oyj announced that its Board of Directors has approved updated financial targets and a dividend policy for the medium term, reflecting the company's improved performance and focus on value creation. The targets include profitable growth, a moderate leverage ratio, and attractive dividends. Terveystalo will hold a Capital Markets Day on December 4 to discuss its strategy and long-term financial targets, with webcast details and presentations available on their website. Terveystalo is Finland's largest private healthcare provider and a leading occupational health provider in the Nordic region, offering a range of healthcare services through numerous clinics in Finland and Sweden. The company is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange and employs over 15,500 professionals.
Terveystalo Plc has updated its profitability guidance for 2024, expecting an adjusted EBITA margin of 12.5-13.1%, up from the previous estimate of 12.0-12.5%, while maintaining its revenue growth forecast. The improved outlook is attributed to stronger-than-expected demand and enhanced operational efficiency. The company anticipates its full-year revenue to grow from EUR 1,286 million in 2023, despite a projected annual revenue decrease of EUR 10 million in its outsourcing business and a decline in the Sweden segment due to macroeconomic factors. The estimates take into account factors such as inflation, consumer demand, employment, VAT increases, salary adjustments, and a one-off personnel cost payment. No major acquisitions or divestments are included in these projections. Terveystalo is the largest private healthcare provider in Finland and a leading occupational health service provider in the Nordic region, with extensive digital and physical healthcare services. The company is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange and employs over 15,500 professionals.
Terveystalo Plc's Annual General Meeting on March 26, 2024, decided that the Board's annual remuneration would be paid 40% in company shares and 60% in cash. The shares are to be purchased from the market after the quarterly results for July to September 2024 are published. Consequently, 3,561 shares were acquired for Kari Kauniskangas, a Board member, on October 30, 2024. Terveystalo is Finland's largest private healthcare service provider and a leading occupational health provider in the Nordic region, with extensive services and a significant presence in Finland and Sweden.
Terveystalo Plc's Annual General Meeting on March 26, 2024, decided that the Board's annual remuneration would be a mix of the company's shares and cash, with 40% in shares and 60% in cash. The shares are to be purchased within two weeks after the quarterly results for July-September 2024 are published. Accordingly, 1,673 shares were acquired for Ari Lehtoranta, a Board member, on October 30, 2024. The transaction was reported with a unit price of 0.00 EUR. Terveystalo is Finland's largest private healthcare service provider and a leading occupational health provider in the Nordic region, offering various health services and employing over 15,500 professionals. The company is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.
Terveystalo Plc's Annual General Meeting decided to pay the Board's annual remuneration as a combination of shares and cash, with 40% in shares and 60% in cash. The shares are to be purchased within two weeks after the quarterly results for July to September 2024 are announced. As part of this decision, 2,097 shares were acquired for Kristian Pullola, a member of the Board. The transaction took place on October 30, 2024, with the shares having a unit price of 0.00 EUR. Terveystalo is the largest private healthcare service provider in Finland and a leading occupational health provider in the Nordic region, with extensive services and a significant digital presence.
Terveystalo Plc's Annual General Meeting decided that the Board's annual remuneration would be a mix of company shares and cash, with 40% in shares and 60% in cash. The shares are to be purchased from the market following the quarterly results for the period ending 30 September 2024. As a result, 1,673 shares were acquired for Carola Lemne, a Board member, on 30 October 2024. Terveystalo is Finland's largest private healthcare provider and a major occupational health provider in the Nordic region, offering a range of health services through numerous clinics in Finland and Sweden. The company is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange and had 1.2 million customers in Finland in 2023.


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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Terveystalo Oyj

Ändring av styrelse/ledning/revisor: Muutos Terveystalon johtoryhmässä: Johtava ylilääkäri Petri Bono jättää yhtiön
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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Terveystalo Oyj

Ändring av styrelse/ledning/revisor: Change in Terveystalo's Executive Team: Chief Medical Officer Petri Bono leaves the company

Terveystalo Plc announced that Petri Bono, Chief Medical Officer and Executive Team member since 2019, will leave the company on 14 August 2024 for a new position outside the company. Ville Iho, President and CEO, praised Bono's leadership during his tenure, particularly during the coronavirus pandemic, and highlighted the company's shift towards customer-oriented development and integrated treatment paths. Bono expressed pride in the advancements made in medical quality and healthcare modernization at Terveystalo. The responsibilities of the Chief Medical Officer will be temporarily distributed among the company's medical management. Terveystalo Plc is the largest private healthcare service provider in Finland and a leading occupational health provider in the Nordic region, with extensive digital and clinic-based services.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Terveystalo Oyj

Halvårsrapport: Terveystalo-konsernin puolivuosikatsaus 1.1.-30.6.2024: Vahvaa ja nopeaa edistymistä kohti taloudellisia tavoitteita

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Terveystalo Oyj

Halvårsrapport: Terveystalo Group Half-Year Report January-June 2024: Strong and rapid progress towards the financial targets

Terveystalo's Half-Year Report for 2024 highlights a strong second quarter with record revenue and profitability. Revenue increased by 6% to EUR 340 million, and adjusted EBITA rose by nearly 50% to EUR 43 million. Earnings per share grew by 91% to EUR 0.11. The Healthcare Services segment saw an 11% increase in revenue to EUR 261 million, boosting the adjusted EBITA by 67%. The Portfolio businesses segment's adjusted EBITA also improved by 52% despite a 9% revenue decline. In Sweden, revenue decreased by 10% to EUR 22 million due to expired contracts and weakened demand. Terveystalo has raised its 2024 guidance, expecting full-year revenue growth and an adjusted EBITA margin of 11.5–12.5%. The profit improvement program has exceeded expectations, significantly enhancing profitability. The company plans a webcast and conference call on 17 July 2024 to discuss the results.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Terveystalo Oyj

Insiderinformation: Sisäpiiritieto: Tulosvaroitus - Terveystalo nostaa kannattavuusohjeistustaan vuodelle 2024 ja antaa ennakkotiedon vuoden 2024 toisen neljänneksen liikevaihdosta ja kannattavuudesta
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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Terveystalo Oyj

Insiderinformation: Inside information: Profit warning - Terveystalo raises its profitability guidance for 2024 and provides preliminary information on revenue and profitability for the second quarter of 2024

Terveystalo Plc announced on 11 July 2024 that its profit improvement program has progressed faster than expected, leading to an upward revision of its profitability guidance for 2024, while revenue guidance remains unchanged. President and CEO Ville Iho credited the company's employees for their role in achieving these results. The new guidance expects full-year 2024 revenue to grow from EUR 1,286 million in 2023, with adjusted EBITA projected to be 11.5–12.5% of revenue, up from the previous guidance of 10.5–11.5%. Preliminary data for Q2 2024 shows revenue of approximately EUR 340 million and adjusted EBITA of around EUR 42 million, or 12.5% of revenue. The estimates consider inflation, consumer demand, employment, and normal morbidity but exclude significant acquisitions or divestments. The Sweden segment's revenue is expected to decline due to macroeconomic factors, and the VAT increase in Finland is not expected to significantly impact results. Terveystalo will release its half-year financial report on 17 July 2024.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Terveystalo Oyj

Flaggningsanmälan: Terveystalo Oyj: Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 10 §:n mukainen liputusilmoitus
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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Terveystalo Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Terveystalo Plc: Managers' Transactions, Rosenberg

Terveystalo Plc reported a managers' transaction involving Rettig Investment AB, which is closely associated with Matts Rosenberg, a member of Terveystalo's Board. The transaction, dated June 27, 2024, involved the acquisition of 21,153,191 shares at a unit price of 0 EUR. This internal restructuring resulted from the merger of Rettig Group AB into Rettig Investment AB, transferring the shares to Rettig Investment AB. The notification was distributed to Nasdaq Helsinki Oy and principal media.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Terveystalo Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Terveystalo Oyj: Johdon liiketoimet, Rosenberg
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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Terveystalo Oyj

Flaggningsanmälan: Terveystalo Plc: Flagging announcement in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

On 28 June 2024, Terveystalo Plc announced that Rettig Investment AB's ownership in Terveystalo has increased to 16.65%, comprising 21,153,191 shares out of a total of 127,036,531 shares. This change occurred due to an internal restructuring where Rettig Group AB merged into Rettig Investment AB on 27 June 2024, transferring the shares accordingly. Terveystalo is the largest private healthcare provider in Finland and a leading occupational health provider in the Nordic region, with extensive digital and physical services. The company is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange and employs over 15,500 professionals.