Vaisala Oyj A
Om Vaisala Oyj A
Senaste sammanfattade pressmeddelande från Vaisala Oyj A
Vaisala Corporation has disclosed a transaction involving Tuomas Syrjänen, a member of its board. The transaction was a receipt of a share-based incentive, with Syrjänen receiving 425 shares at a unit price of 0.00 EUR. The transaction took place on May 8, 2024. The announcement was made through a standard initial notification procedure.
On May 8, 2024, Petri Castrén, a member of the board at Vaisala Corporation, received 425 shares as part of a share-based incentive. The transaction was reported in an initial notification and took place on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange. The shares were received at a unit price of 0.00 EUR. Vaisala Corporation is a global leader in measurement instruments and intelligence for climate action, employing over 2,300 experts and listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange.
Ville Voipio, a board member of Vaisala Corporation, has received a share-based incentive according to an initial notification. The transaction involved 585 shares with a unit price of 0.00 EUR. The transaction took place on May 8, 2024. Vaisala Corporation is a global leader in climate measurement instruments and intelligence.
Vaisala Corporation has announced a transaction involving Raimo Voipio, a member of the board. Voipio has received 425 shares as part of a share-based incentive. The transaction took place on May 8, 2024. The shares were received at no cost. The notification is an initial one, with the reference number 743700RNDD7KU11HW873_20240508145954_51.
Vaisala Corporation has disclosed a transaction involving Lotte Rosenberg, a member of the Board/Deputy member. According to the initial notification, Rosenberg received a share-based incentive of 425 shares on May 8, 2024. The shares were received at no cost. Vaisala Corporation is a global leader in measurement instruments and intelligence for climate action, listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange.
On May 8, 2024, Jukka Rinnevaara, a member of the board at Vaisala Corporation, received 425 shares as part of a share-based incentive. The transaction was initially reported, with a reference number provided. The shares were received at no cost. Vaisala Corporation is a global leader in climate measurement instruments and data, aiming to improve resource efficiency and safety. The company's series A shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange.
On May 8, 2024, Kaarina Ståhlberg, a member of the Board/Deputy member of Vaisala Corporation, received a share-based incentive. The transaction involved 425 shares at a unit price of 0.00 EUR. The transaction was initially notified with the reference number 743700RNDD7KU11HW873_20240508145954_49. The shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange.
Vaisala Corporation has announced a transaction involving Annica Bresky, a member of the board. The transaction, which occurred on May 8, 2024, involves the receipt of a share-based incentive. Bresky received 425 units at a price of 0.00 EUR. The notification is an initial one, with reference number 743700RNDD7KU11HW873_20240508145954_44. The venue for the transaction was XHEL, with a share ISIN of FI0009900682. Further information can be sought from Paula Liimatta at Vaisala.
On May 8, 2024, Vaisala Corporation announced a transaction involving Antti Jääskeläinen, a member of the board. Jääskeläinen received a share-based incentive, acquiring 425 shares at no cost. This initial notification was distributed via Nasdaq Helsinki and key media. Vaisala Corporation is a global leader in climate action measurement instruments and intelligence, with shares listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange.