Press releases, Reports & Disclosures for CHIMERA S&P UAE UCITS ETF - SHARE CLASS D INCOME
The Chimera S&P UAE UCITS ETF - Income (CHAEIN) is an exchange-traded fund that aims to track the performance of the S&P UAE BMI Liquid Capped 20/35 Index. It provides a single point of access to the United Arab Emirates equity markets. The fund was established on 20th July 2020 and is based in Ireland. It has a total expense ratio of 1.00% and distributes dividends semiannually. The fund's net asset value (NAV) is 4.297 AED and it has assets under management (AUM) of 120.32 million AED. The fund has 28,000,000 outstanding shares and holds 30 assets. The fund's distribution yield is 3.03%. The top three sectors in its portfolio are financials (37.9%), real estate (19.4%), and communication services (14.3%). The fund's top holdings include Emirates Telecommunications Group Company PJSC, First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC, and Emaar Properties PJSC.
The Chimera S&P UAE UCITS ETF - Income (CHAEIN) is an exchange-traded fund that aims to replicate the performance of the S&P UAE BMI Liquid Capped 20/35 Index. The fund, which was launched on 23rd February 2021, provides investors with a single access point to the UAE equity markets. The fund's dividends are distributed semiannually, and it has a total expense ratio of 1.00%. The fund is domiciled in Ireland and managed by Fundrock management Co and Lunate Capital Limited. It has a net asset value of 4.406 AED and assets under management of 123.38 million AED. The fund's top holdings include Emirates Telecommunications Group Company PJSC and First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC. The fund's performance since inception is 20.07%, while its distribution yield is 2.96%.
The Chimera S&P UAE UCITS ETF - Income (CHAEIN) is an exchange-traded fund that aims to deliver investment returns by tracking the S&P UAE BMI Liquid Capped 20/35 Index. The fund provides a single access point to the UAE equity markets and distributes dividends semiannually when available. The fund was launched on 23rd February 2021, and it is managed by Lunate Capital Limited. The fund's total expense ratio is 1.00%, and it rebalances quarterly. As of now, the fund has a net asset value of 4.335 AED, with 121.38 million AED in assets under management and 28 million outstanding shares. The fund's distribution yield is 3.01%. The fund's performance since inception is 18.12%, slightly lower than the benchmark's 18.96%. The fund is primarily invested in the financials sector, followed by communication services and real estate.
The Chimera S&P UAE UCITS ETF - Income (CHAEIN) is an exchange traded fund that aims to track the performance of the S&P UAE BMI Liquid Capped 20/35 Index, offering investors access to the United Arab Emirates equity markets. The fund, which was launched on 23rd February 2021, has a total expense ratio of 1% and distributes dividends semiannually. The fund is managed by Fundrock Management Co and Lunate Capital Limited. As of the most recent data, the fund has a net asset value of 4.397 AED, assets under management of 123.13 million AED, and 28,000,000 outstanding shares. It has 30 holdings, with the largest sectors being Financials (40.7%) and Communication Services (15.6%). Its top holding is Emirates Telecommunications Group Company PJSC. The fund is traded on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange.
The Chimera S&P UAE UCITS ETF - Income (CHAEIN) is an exchange-traded fund that aims to track the performance of the S&P UAE BMI Liquid Capped 20/35 Index. It provides a single access point to the UAE equity markets. The fund, domiciled in Ireland, was launched on 23rd February 2021, and is managed by Lunate Capital Limited. It has a total expense ratio of 1% and distributes dividends semiannually. The fund's net asset value is 4.405 AED, with assets under management totaling 123.34 million AED. It holds 30 different assets and has 28,000,000 outstanding shares. Its distribution yield is 2.96%. The fund's performance since inception is 20.03%. It is traded on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange.
The quarterly rebalancing of the S&P UAE BMI Liquid 20/35 Capped Index occurred on 15th December 2023 as per the listing and disclosure rules. The securities added to the index include ADNOC Logistics and Services PLC, RAK Properties, Taaleem Holdings PJSC, and Emirates Central Cooling Systems Co. Securities removed from the index are Ghitha Holding PJSC and Salik Company PJSC. The information was communicated by Sherif Salem, CIO of Public Markets at Lunate Capital Limited.