Dubai Financial Market PJSC
About Dubai Financial Market PJSC
Country of Origin: United Arab Emirates (U.A.E)
Dubai Financial Market (DFM) – PJSC (the “Company”) is a Public Joint Stock Company incorporated in the Emirate of Dubai – United Arab Emirates, pursuant to decree No. 62 for the year 2007 issued by the Ministry of Economy on February 6, 2007, and is subject to the provision of the UAE, Federal Law No. 8 for the year 1984 and its amendments.
The licensed activities of the company are trading in financial instruments, acting as commercial, industrial and agricultural holding and trust company, financial investment consultancy, and brokerage local and foreign shares and bonds. In accordance with its Articles of Association, the Company complies in all its activities, operations and formalities with the provisions of Islamic Shari’a and shall invest its entire fund in accordance with these provisions.
The company’s shares are listed on the Dubai Financial Market (“DFM”). The company currently operates the Dubai Stock Exchange, related clearing house and carries out investment activities on its own behalf.
The ultimate parent and controlling party is the Government of Dubai which owns 80% of DFM through Borse Dubai Limited (the “parent”), a Government of Dubai entity.
Latest Pressrelease Summaries from Dubai Financial Market PJSC
Dubai Financial Market has announced a significant 171% rise in its net profit before tax for Q1 2024, amounting to AED 95.6 million.
The text refers to a review report and condensed interim consolidated financial information from the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) P.J.S.C. The information covers a three-month period ending on 31 March 2024. This report is likely to be of interest to those involved in finance and investing.
On April 29, 2024, the Board of Directors of Dubai Financial Market (PJSC) convened a meeting. The main points approved during the session included the condensed consolidated interim financial information for the three-month period ending March 31, 2024, and regular matters and any other business. The information was communicated by Ali Amer Al-Hashimi, the Chief Financial Officer of the company.
The Board of Directors of Orient Takaful Company (PJSC) has invited shareholders to attend the Annual General Meeting on April 29, 2024. The meeting will take place at Al Futtaim Building in Dubai and will also be accessible remotely via Microsoft Teams. The agenda includes the approval of various reports and accounts for the financial year ending December 31, 2023, the appointment of the Internal Sharia'ah Supervisory Committee for 2024, and the approval of transactions with related parties up to December 31, 2023. The board also plans to discuss an amendment to the company's Articles of Association, subject to regulatory approval. Shareholders can delegate a representative to attend the meeting and vote on their behalf, but no proxy may represent more than 5% of the company's shares.