Dubai Taxi Company PJSC
About Dubai Taxi Company PJSC
The Company is a leading provider of comprehensive mobility solutions in Dubai. With an approximately 44% market share (by size of taxi fleet) as at 30 June 2023 according to the Industry Consultant, it is currently the number one taxi operator in Dubai, with its next largest taxi competitor having only a 22% market share. Having been established as a taxi company in 1994, with operations starting in 1995 with only 81 taxi cars, the Company has since expanded to other mobility businesses by leveraging its dominant leadership in the taxi sector and operational strength. It offers an extensive range of transportation solutions across its four key business lines, including taxi services through its large, eco-friendly fleet; VIP limousine services made up of chauffeur-driven vehicles for luxury service; its bus services; and its last mile delivery bike services. Between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023, the Company's taxis and limousines made 44 million trips, 42 million of which were taxi trips. Across its business lines, as at 30 June 2023, the Company operated more than 7,000 vehicles (of which 5,216 were taxis).
Company's Activities are detailed in AOA and Listing Prospectus.
Latest Pressrelease Summaries from Dubai Taxi Company PJSC
The text is a letter from Mr. Hamed Ali, the CEO of Dubai Financial Market, dated December 6, 2023. The subject of the letter is the disclosure of an announcement regarding the listing of Dubai Taxi Company PJSC. The authorized signatory of the announcement is Mansoor Rahma Juma Abdulla Alfalasi, who is also a Chief Executive Officer. The letter also includes the company's seal.