Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Dancann Pharma

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Dancann Pharma

Press release from Companies: DanCann Pharma A/S: Completion of reverse share split and redemption of shares

At an extraordinary general meeting on January 21, 2025, DanCann Pharma A/S decided to change the nominal value of its shares from DKK 0.001 to DKK 1 through a reverse share split at a 1,000:1 ratio. Consequently, 1,000 shares of DKK 0.001 each are consolidated into one share of DKK 1. A redemption notice was issued, giving shareholders four weeks, until February 19, 2025, to redeem shares. Shares below 1,000 or excess shares will be redeemed in cash at DKK 0.0023 per share. Payments are expected by February 26, 2025, and will be subject to withholding tax. Shareholders can contest the redemption price by May 26, 2025. The new nominal share value takes effect on February 25, 2025, with a new ISIN DK0063631999. The company's share capital will consist of 3,991,101 shares of DKK 1 and 234 shares of DKK 0.001 held by the company. Key dates include the last trading day of old shares on February 21, 2025, and the first trading day of new shares on February 24, 2025.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Dancann Pharma

Press release from Companies: DanCann Pharma A/S Publishes Its Consultation Response ("Høringssvar") to the New Legislation on Medicinal Cannabis in Denmark

The legislative proposal L135, published on February 6, is set for its first reading on February 21, 2025. DanCann Pharma emphasizes the importance of making their observations and proposals public to enhance understanding of the proposed legislation and industry challenges. CEO Jeppe Krog Rasmussen stresses the need for consensus and improved regulatory frameworks, highlighting that the proposal has many unresolved issues. The company aims to provide transparency and secure favorable outcomes for stakeholders. Their consultation response reflects DanCann Pharma Group's views, including its subsidiary CannGros ApS, and includes several attached documents in Danish. DanCann Pharma, established in 2018 and listed on the Spotlight Stock Market, focuses on cannabinoid-based biopharmaceuticals. The release contains forward-looking statements subject to risks and uncertainties, and the company advises caution in relying on these statements.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Dancann Pharma

Press release from Companies: DanCann Pharma A/S Offentliggør Selskabets Høringssvar til den Nye Lovgivning om Medicinsk Cannabis i Danmark

Den 6 februari offentliggjordes ett reviderat lagförslag (L135) som kommer att behandlas den 21 februari 2025. DanCann Pharma betonar vikten av att offentliggöra sina observationer och förslag för att öka förståelsen för lagförslaget och de utmaningar som branschen möter. CEO Jeppe Krog Rasmussen påpekar behovet av att belysa problemområden för att skapa enighet och rättvisa regler inom industrin. Han framhåller att det är viktigt att ge allmänheten insikt i de utmaningar företaget står inför och att målet är att uppnå bästa möjliga resultat för intressenter. DanCann Pharmas synpunkter representeras av deras dotterbolag CannGros ApS och dokument med kommentarer och rekommendationer har bifogats i pressmeddelandet. DanCann Pharma A/S är ett danskt biofarmaceutiskt företag fokuserat på cannabinoider och är noterat på Spotlight Stock Market. Pressmeddelandet innehåller även framåtblickande uttalanden med varningar om osäkerheter och risker som kan påverka företagets framtida resultat.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Dancann Pharma

Press release from Companies: DanCann Pharma A/S: Releases Q4-2024 report – Revenue (NET) up by 27.8% YoY and EBITDA up by 63.8% YoY

Summary: The financial results for DanCann Pharma A/S for the fourth quarter of 2024 show an increase in net sales and significant improvements in EBITDA compared to the previous year. Net sales for Q4-2024 were 1,350 DKK, while the full year 2024 saw net sales of 7,764 DKK, up from 6,074 DKK in 2023. EBITDA improved by 63.8% year-over-year, moving from -12.88 million DKK in 2023 to -4.66 million DKK in 2024. The equity ratio increased to 0.90 from 0.53. CEO Jeppe Krog Rasmussen noted that the year was pivotal, with both opportunities and challenges, including increased competition and regulatory complexities. The report includes insights into strategic progress, financial potential from asset sales, cost reductions, market competition impacts, revised future guidance, and product approval status. DanCann Pharma A/S is a Danish biopharmaceutical company focused on cannabinoids, listed on the Spotlight Stock Market. The report also contains forward-looking statements with associated risks and uncertainties.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Dancann Pharma

Press release from Companies: DanCann Pharma A/S: Notice of redemption of shares in connection with reverse share split in the ratio 1,000:1
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Nyhetsuppdatering från Dancann Pharma

Press release from Companies: DanCann Pharma A/S: Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting
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Nyhetsuppdatering från Dancann Pharma

Press release from Companies: DanCann Pharma A/S: Notice of proposal to Consolidate Shares in DanCann Pharma A/S
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Nyhetsuppdatering från Dancann Pharma

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Dancann Pharma

Press release from Companies: DanCann Pharma A/S: DanCann Pharma Announces Outcome of Directed Issues to Board and Management
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Nyhetsuppdatering från Dancann Pharma

Press release from Companies: DanCann Pharma A/S: Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting
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