New Wave Group AB
Senaste sammanfattade pressmeddelande från New Wave Group AB
New Wave Group AB (publ) will release its Year-end report for January-December 2024 on February 6 at 07:00 CET. A presentation of the report will take place on the same day at 10:00 CET, available via webcast or in-person at Barnhusgatan 16, Stockholm. The presentation, conducted in English, will end with a Q&A session. To attend in person, registration is required by February 5 at 5:00 p.m. via email to Contact information for further inquiries includes CEO Torsten Jansson, Deputy CEO Göran Härstedt, and CFO Lars Jönsson.
New Wave Group AB kommer att publicera sin bokslutskommuniké för januari-december 2024 den 6 februari kl. 07:00. Samma dag hålls en presentation av rapporten kl. 10:00, som kan följas via webcast eller på plats i Stockholm. Presentationen är på engelska och inkluderar en frågestund. För att delta fysiskt måste man anmäla sig senast 5 februari kl. 17:00. För mer information kan VD Torsten Jansson, vice-koncernchef Göran Härstedt eller ekonomi- och finanschef Lars Jönsson kontaktas.
Under perioden juli till september 2024 ökade New Wave Groups nettoomsättning i lokala valutor med 2%, trots en minskande marknad. Rörelseresultatet minskade dock från 381,1 MSEK till 312,8 MSEK, delvis på grund av ökade lönekostnader och fortsatta investeringar i Tyskland och USA. För perioden januari till september var nettoomsättningen oförändrad jämfört med föregående år, medan rörelseresultatet sjönk från 1 058,4 MSEK till 799,7 MSEK. Kassaflödet förbättrades betydligt och soliditeten är stark. VD Torsten Jansson uttrycker optimism inför framtiden och betonar vikten av långsiktiga investeringar och förvärv för att skapa aktieägarvärde. Trots kortsiktiga utmaningar planerar företaget att fortsätta expandera och stärka sin marknadsposition.
Between July and September 2024, New Wave Group saw a 2% increase in net sales in local currencies, despite challenging market conditions. However, the operating result fell from SEK 381.1 million to SEK 312.8 million, primarily due to increased wage costs and the absence of non-recurring income from the previous year. The company maintained a stable gross profit margin of 48.8%. From January to September 2024, net sales remained steady compared to the previous year, outperforming the market and gaining market share, though the operating result decreased from SEK 1,058.4 million to SEK 799.7 million. Cash flow from operations improved significantly, and the equity ratio reached a record high of 60.7%. CEO Torsten Jansson expressed confidence in the company's strategy of investing in new markets, particularly Germany and the USA, despite short-term impacts on results. The company is also exploring acquisition opportunities that will provide long-term value. Jansson remains optimistic about the company's future, acknowledging potential challenges in the market but emphasizing New Wave's strong organization and financial position.
New Wave Group AB will release its interim report for January-September 2024 on November 7 at 07:00 CET. A presentation of the report will take place the same day at 10:00 CET, available via webcast or in person at Barnhusgatan 16, Stockholm. The presentation will be in English and include a Q&A session. To attend in person, registration is required by November 6 at 5:00 p.m. via email to Contact information for CEO Torsten Jansson, Deputy CEO Göran Härstedt, and CFO Lars Jönsson is provided for further inquiries.
New Wave Group AB (publ) kommer att publicera sin delårsrapport för januari-september 2024 den 7 november kl. 07:00. En presentation av rapporten hålls samma dag kl. 10:00, som kan följas via webcast eller på plats på Barnhusgatan 16 i Stockholm. Presentationen är på engelska och avslutas med en frågestund. För att delta fysiskt, anmälan krävs senast den 6 november kl. 17:00 till För mer information kan VD Torsten Jansson, vice-koncernchef Göran Härstedt eller ekonomi- och finanschef Lars Jönsson kontaktas.
Anna Gullmarstrand has been appointed as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for New Wave Group. She previously served as the Financial Manager at Wallenstam AB since 2012 and was an authorized auditor at EY. Anna will join the group management team, succeeding Lars Jönsson, who has been CFO since 2007 and will remain until February 28, 2025. The announcement was made in Gothenburg on October 21, 2024, at 14:00 CET. For more information, contact CEO Torsten Jansson or Senior Vice President Göran Härstedt.
Anna Gullmarstrand har utsetts till finanschef (CFO) för New Wave Group. Hon kommer från en tidigare roll som ekonomichef på Wallenstam AB och har även arbetat som auktoriserad revisor vid EY. Anna blir en del av koncernledningen och ersätter Lars Jönsson, som varit CFO sedan 2007 och stannar kvar i företaget till den 28 februari 2025. Informationen offentliggjordes den 21 oktober 2024.
Lars Jönsson has decided to step down from his position as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at New Wave Group, effective February 28, 2025. He has held the role since 2007. The company will now begin the process of recruiting a new CFO. For further information, contact CEO Torsten Jansson or 1st Senior Vice President Göran Härstedt. This announcement was made public at 7:00 a.m. CET on August 23, 2024.
From April to June 2024, New Wave Group observed a weaker market than anticipated, leading to a temporary market downturn. Despite this, the company achieved a 4% growth, with 3% organic and 1% from currency and acquisitions, resulting in a record net turnover of SEK 2,397.9 million. The gross profit margin was strong at 49.0%, though the operating result declined to SEK 301.2 million due to increased costs and market investments. Cash flow from operations improved significantly to SEK 337.5 million. For the first half of 2024, sales decreased by SEK 46.9 million (1%), with the operating result dropping to SEK 486.8 million, giving an 11.1% operating margin. Cash flow from operating activities rose to SEK 541.1 million. On a rolling 12-month basis, net sales were SEK 9,466.0 million with an operating result of SEK 1,386.6 million, and an operating margin of 14.6%. The equity ratio improved to 60.2%, indicating a strong balance sheet. CEO Torsten Jansson expressed optimism for the future despite short-term turbulence from global events, citing the company's strong market position and balance sheet as advantages. The company plans to continue market investments and acquisitions for growth.