Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Outokumpu Oyj

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Övrig information som ska lämnas enligt börsens regler: Outokumpu - The composition of the Shareholders' Nomination Board

Outokumpu Corporation announced the composition of its Shareholders' Nomination Board for 2024. The Nomination Board, which prepares proposals for the Board of Directors' composition and remuneration for the Annual General Meeting, consists of five members. Four members represent the company's largest shareholders, and the fifth member is the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The largest shareholders as of August 1, 2024, are Solidium Oy, Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company, and The Social Insurance Institution of Finland. The Nomination Board will submit its proposals by January 31, 2025. Outokumpu Corporation, a leader in sustainable stainless steel, employs about 8,500 people in nearly 30 countries and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Övrig information som ska lämnas enligt börsens regler: Outokummun nimitystoimikunnan kokoonpano
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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Insiderinformation: Inside information: Outokumpu appoints Kati ter Horst as President and CEO of Outokumpu

Outokumpu Corporation has announced the appointment of Kati ter Horst as President and CEO, effective by October 9, 2024. Ms. ter Horst, who has been with Aliaxis S.A. as Divisional CEO EMEA, will be based at Outokumpu's headquarters in Helsinki, Finland. She has a long career history, including leadership roles at Stora Enso and has been on Outokumpu's Board of Directors since 2016, serving as Vice Chairman since 2022. Following her new appointment, she will resign from the Board at the end of September 2024. Kari Jordan, Chairman of the Board, expressed confidence in her leadership abilities. Ms. ter Horst is committed to advancing Outokumpu's strategy and leading the company in its next phase. Outokumpu is a global leader in sustainable stainless steel, with a strong focus on the circular economy and climate change mitigation. The company employs around 8,500 people in nearly 30 countries and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.

1. Bifogad dokument

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Insiderinformation: Sisäpiiritieto: Outokumpu nimittää Kati ter Horstin yhtiön toimitusjohtajaksi

1. Bifogad dokument

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Flaggningsanmälan: Outokumpu - Announcement regarding change in holdings

Outokumpu Corporation announced on June 12, 2024, that JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s total holding in Outokumpu shares and voting rights has fallen below the 5% threshold as of June 10, 2024, from a previous holding of 5.16%. Outokumpu has a total of 456,874,448 shares, each carrying one vote, and currently holds 33,188,820 treasury shares. Outokumpu, a leader in sustainable stainless steel, focuses on the circular economy, producing steel from 95% recycled materials with a significantly lower carbon footprint. The company employs around 8,500 people in nearly 30 countries and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Outokumpu - Manager transaction: Heinz Jörg Fuhrmann

Outokumpu Corporation has announced a transaction made by Heinz Jörg Fuhrmann, a member of its Board of Directors, with its financial instrument, in compliance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. Outokumpu, a global leader in sustainable stainless steel, is committed to the green transition and the circular economy, producing products from 95% recycled materials. The company supports its customers in reducing their emissions with a carbon footprint up to 75% lower than the industry average. Outokumpu Corporation employs around 8,500 professionals in nearly 30 countries and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Outokumpu - Manager transaction: Julia Woodhouse

Outokumpu Corporation has announced a manager transaction involving Julia Woodhouse, a member of its Board of Directors. The transaction was conducted with the company's financial instrument, in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. Details of the transaction have not been disclosed. Outokumpu, a global leader in sustainable stainless steel, operates based on the circular economy, with 95% of its products made from recycled materials. The company is committed to mitigating climate change and supports its customers in reducing their emissions. It has a workforce of approximately 8,500 professionals in nearly 30 countries.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Outokumpu - Manager transaction: Petter Söderström

Outokumpu Corporation has announced a manager transaction involving Petter Söderström, a member of its Board of Directors. The transaction was made with the company's financial instrument in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. Further details about the transaction were not disclosed in the summary. Outokumpu is a global leader in sustainable stainless steel, with its products being made from 95% recycled materials. The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and supports its customers in doing the same.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Outokumpu - Manager transaction: Jyrki Mäki-Kala

Outokumpu Corporation, a global leader in sustainable stainless steel, has announced a manager transaction involving Jyrki Mäki-Kala, a member of the Board of Directors. The transaction was made with the company's financial instrument as per the EU Market Abuse Regulation. Details of the transaction were not disclosed in the summary. Outokumpu is committed to the green transition and operates based on the circular economy, producing products from 95% recycled materials. The company employs around 8,500 professionals globally, and its shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Outokumpu - Manager transaction: Päivi Luostarinen

Outokumpu Corporation, a global leader in sustainable stainless steel, announced a manager transaction involving Päivi Luostarinen, a member of the Board of Directors. The company has received a notification about a transaction made with its financial instrument, in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. Further details about the transaction were not disclosed in the announcement. Outokumpu is committed to accelerating the green transition and mitigating climate change, with a business model based on the circular economy and a carbon footprint significantly lower than the industry average.