Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Outokumpu Oyj

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Outokumpu - Manager transaction: Pierre Vareille

Outokumpu Corporation has announced a transaction made by Pierre Vareille, a member of its Board of Directors, with its financial instrument. The transaction was carried out in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. Outokumpu is a global leader in sustainable stainless steel, with a business model based on the circular economy. The company, which has approximately 8,500 employees, is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland and is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Interimsrapport: Outokumpu interim report January-March 2024: Gradual market recovery in Europe continued, while the political strike in Finland burdened results

Outokumpu Corporation reported Q1 2024 results, with stainless steel deliveries of 444,000 tonnes, down from 505,000 tonnes in Q1 2023. Adjusted EBITDA was €38 million, down from €204 million in the same period last year. The company's ROCE was -5.7%, compared to 18.4% in Q1 2023, and free cash flow was €-26 million, compared to €160 million in Q1 2023. The company issued two profit warnings in March due to a political strike in Finland. After the reporting period, the company paid a dividend of €0.26 per share for 2023. The company's CEO, Heikki Malinen, announced he would be leaving the company, and CFO Pia Aaltonen-Forsell also announced her intention to leave. The company expects Q2 2024 stainless steel deliveries to increase by 5-15% and the political strike to have a further €30 million negative impact.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Outokumpu Oyj

Flaggningsanmälan: Outokumpu - Announcement regarding change in holdings

Outokumpu Corporation, a global leader in stainless steel, announced that JPMorgan Chase & Co’s total holding in the company's shares and voting rights has risen above the 5% threshold to 5.06% as of April 17, 2024. This marks an increase from their previous holding which was below the minimum threshold. Outokumpu has a total of 456,874,448 shares, with each share carrying one vote. The company currently holds 33,188,820 treasury shares.