Scanfil Oyj

Main Market, Helsinki

Om Scanfil Oyj

Scanfil Group is engaged in contract manufacturing for international telecommunications technology and professional electronics manufacturers. Scanfil has 35 years of experience in demanding contract manufacturing. Scanfil is a systems supplier that offers its products and services to international telecommunications systems manufacturers and professional electronics customers. Typical products are equipment systems for mobile and public switched telephone networks, automation systems, frequency converters, lift control systems, equipment and systems for electricity production and transmission, analysers, slot machines and different meteorological instruments.

Senaste sammanfattade pressmeddelande från Scanfil Oyj

Scanfil plc's Shareholders' Nomination Board has proposed that the company's Board of Directors should consist of six members, recommending the re-election of current members Harri Takanen, Bengt Engström, Christina Lindstedt, Juha Räisänen, Thomas Dekorsy, and Minna Yrjönmäki at the Annual General Meeting on April 25, 2025. All candidates have consented to their nomination, and except for Harri Takanen, are considered independent of major shareholders and the company. The Nomination Board suggests that shareholders vote on the board composition as a single entity at the meeting, adhering to good corporate governance practices. Proposed remuneration includes annual fees of EUR 63,000 for the Chairman and EUR 41,000 for other members, with additional meeting and committee fees. Travel and other related expenses will be reimbursed according to company policy. The proposals will be detailed in the Annual General Meeting notice. Scanfil plc, Europe’s largest listed EMS provider, reported a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023 and serves major clients in various sectors with a range of manufacturing services.
On December 17, 2024, Scanfil plc announced the composition of its Shareholders' Nomination Board. The two largest shareholders nominated Jarkko Takanen and Harri Takanen as members. Jarkko Takanen was elected Chair of the Nomination Board. This arrangement deviates from the Board's Charter, which typically requires three members, including the Chair of the Board of Directors. Harri Takanen, the largest shareholder and Chair of the Board, can serve as a member but not as Chair of the Nomination Board. The two largest shareholders, based on Euroclear Finland Oy's register, appoint the Board members annually. Scanfil plc is a leading European electronics manufacturing services provider with a 2023 turnover of EUR 902 million, serving global leaders in various sectors. The company aims to enhance customer value through competitive and long-term partnerships, boasting a 30-year relationship with its longest-standing customer. Scanfil operates eleven production facilities worldwide.
Scanfil Oyj has revised its financial outlook for 2024, lowering its expected turnover to EUR 770–780 million and adjusted operating profit to EUR 53–54 million, due to material shortages and a slight decline in demand. Previously, the company had projected a turnover of EUR 780–840 million and an adjusted operating profit of EUR 54–61 million. Despite these challenges, the fourth quarter is anticipated to be strong. Scanfil, Europe's largest listed provider of electronics manufacturing services, reported a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023 and serves various global sectors. The company will release its full financial report for 2024 on February 21, 2025.
Scanfil Oyj announced its financial calendar for 2025. The company will release its Financial Statements for 2024 on February 21, 2025, and its Annual Report on March 28, 2025. The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for April 25, 2025. Shareholders wishing to propose agenda items for the meeting must submit them by February 20, 2025. Scanfil will also publish Interim Reports in 2025. The company, a leading European electronics manufacturing services provider with a 2023 turnover of EUR 902 million, serves global leaders in various sectors and operates 11 production facilities worldwide. For more information, contact Pasi Hiedanpää, Director of Investor Relations and Communications.
On December 3, 2024, Scanfil plc announced the distribution of stock options 2022CI and 2022CII to key personnel, as decided by the Board of Directors on October 25, 2024. The stock option plan was initially approved on October 27, 2022, following authorization from the Annual General Meeting on April 21, 2022. The subscription price for shares under these options is based on the average share price on Nasdaq Helsinki from November 1 to November 30, 2024, set at EUR 7.76 per share. Adjustments to the subscription price can be made for distributed share capital, extra dividends, and other distributions. The options allow for the subscription of up to 400,000 new or existing shares between May 1, 2027, and April 30, 2029. Theoretical market value per option is approximately EUR 1.62, totaling EUR 648,000, calculated using the Black & Scholes model with specific assumptions. Scanfil plc, Europe's largest listed electronics manufacturing services provider, reported a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023. The company supports various global leaders in sectors like Industrial, Energy & Cleantech, and Medtech & Life Science, offering a wide range of services from design to complex systems integration. Scanfil aims to enhance customer competitiveness and has a long-standing global presence with 11 production facilities on four continents.
On October 31, 2024, Scanfil Oyj announced a manager's transaction involving Kai Valo, the Chief Financial Officer. The transaction, dated October 30, 2024, involved the acceptance of a stock option linked to Scanfil's 2022C stock option program. The transaction volume was 20,000 units with a unit price of 0.00 EUR. Scanfil is a leading European Electronics Manufacturing Service company with a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023, serving multiple global industry sectors. For further information, Pasi Hiedanpää, Director of Investor Relations and Communications, can be contacted.
On October 31, 2024, Scanfil Plc reported a manager's transaction involving Christina Wiklund, a senior manager. The transaction, which took place on October 30, 2024, involved the acceptance of a stock option linked to Scanfil's 2022C financial instrument. The transaction volume was 20,000 units at a unit price of 0.00 EUR. Scanfil Plc is a leading European Electronics Manufacturing Service company with a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023, serving various global industry sectors. For further details, Pasi Hiedanpää, Director of Investor Relations and Communications, can be contacted.
On October 31, 2024, Scanfil Plc reported a manager's transaction involving Christophe Sut, the company's CEO. The transaction, dated October 30, 2024, involved the acceptance of a stock option linked to Scanfil's 2022C instrument. The transaction volume was 120,000 units, with a unit price of 0.00 EUR. Scanfil Plc is a leading European Electronics Manufacturing Service company with a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023, serving various global industry sectors. For further information, Pasi Hiedanpää, Director of Investor Relations and Communications, can be contacted.


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Nyhetsuppdatering från Scanfil Oyj

Övrig information som ska lämnas enligt börsens regler: Proposals of the Shareholders' Nomination Board for the composition of the Board of Directors of Scanfil plc and for the remuneration of the Board of Directors

Scanfil plc's Shareholders' Nomination Board has proposed that the company's Board of Directors should consist of six members, recommending the re-election of current members Harri Takanen, Bengt Engström, Christina Lindstedt, Juha Räisänen, Thomas Dekorsy, and Minna Yrjönmäki at the Annual General Meeting on April 25, 2025. All candidates have consented to their nomination, and except for Harri Takanen, are considered independent of major shareholders and the company. The Nomination Board suggests that shareholders vote on the board composition as a single entity at the meeting, adhering to good corporate governance practices. Proposed remuneration includes annual fees of EUR 63,000 for the Chairman and EUR 41,000 for other members, with additional meeting and committee fees. Travel and other related expenses will be reimbursed according to company policy. The proposals will be detailed in the Annual General Meeting notice. Scanfil plc, Europe’s largest listed EMS provider, reported a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023 and serves major clients in various sectors with a range of manufacturing services.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Scanfil Oyj

Övrig information som ska lämnas enligt börsens regler: Composition of Scanfil' s Shareholders' Nomination Board

On December 17, 2024, Scanfil plc announced the composition of its Shareholders' Nomination Board. The two largest shareholders nominated Jarkko Takanen and Harri Takanen as members. Jarkko Takanen was elected Chair of the Nomination Board. This arrangement deviates from the Board's Charter, which typically requires three members, including the Chair of the Board of Directors. Harri Takanen, the largest shareholder and Chair of the Board, can serve as a member but not as Chair of the Nomination Board. The two largest shareholders, based on Euroclear Finland Oy's register, appoint the Board members annually. Scanfil plc is a leading European electronics manufacturing services provider with a 2023 turnover of EUR 902 million, serving global leaders in various sectors. The company aims to enhance customer value through competitive and long-term partnerships, boasting a 30-year relationship with its longest-standing customer. Scanfil operates eleven production facilities worldwide.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Scanfil Oyj

Insiderinformation: Scanfil revises its turnover and operating profit downwards for 2024

Scanfil Oyj has revised its financial outlook for 2024, lowering its expected turnover to EUR 770–780 million and adjusted operating profit to EUR 53–54 million, due to material shortages and a slight decline in demand. Previously, the company had projected a turnover of EUR 780–840 million and an adjusted operating profit of EUR 54–61 million. Despite these challenges, the fourth quarter is anticipated to be strong. Scanfil, Europe's largest listed provider of electronics manufacturing services, reported a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023 and serves various global sectors. The company will release its full financial report for 2024 on February 21, 2025.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Scanfil Oyj

Finansiell kalender: Scanfil's financial information and Annual General Meeting in 2025

Scanfil Oyj announced its financial calendar for 2025. The company will release its Financial Statements for 2024 on February 21, 2025, and its Annual Report on March 28, 2025. The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for April 25, 2025. Shareholders wishing to propose agenda items for the meeting must submit them by February 20, 2025. Scanfil will also publish Interim Reports in 2025. The company, a leading European electronics manufacturing services provider with a 2023 turnover of EUR 902 million, serves global leaders in various sectors and operates 11 production facilities worldwide. For more information, contact Pasi Hiedanpää, Director of Investor Relations and Communications.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Scanfil Oyj

Övrig information som ska lämnas enligt börsens regler: Share subscription price and market value of Scanfil plc's stock options 2022CI and 2022CII

On December 3, 2024, Scanfil plc announced the distribution of stock options 2022CI and 2022CII to key personnel, as decided by the Board of Directors on October 25, 2024. The stock option plan was initially approved on October 27, 2022, following authorization from the Annual General Meeting on April 21, 2022. The subscription price for shares under these options is based on the average share price on Nasdaq Helsinki from November 1 to November 30, 2024, set at EUR 7.76 per share. Adjustments to the subscription price can be made for distributed share capital, extra dividends, and other distributions. The options allow for the subscription of up to 400,000 new or existing shares between May 1, 2027, and April 30, 2029. Theoretical market value per option is approximately EUR 1.62, totaling EUR 648,000, calculated using the Black & Scholes model with specific assumptions. Scanfil plc, Europe's largest listed electronics manufacturing services provider, reported a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023. The company supports various global leaders in sectors like Industrial, Energy & Cleantech, and Medtech & Life Science, offering a wide range of services from design to complex systems integration. Scanfil aims to enhance customer competitiveness and has a long-standing global presence with 11 production facilities on four continents.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Scanfil Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Scanfil plc: Managers' transactions - Valo

On October 31, 2024, Scanfil Oyj announced a manager's transaction involving Kai Valo, the Chief Financial Officer. The transaction, dated October 30, 2024, involved the acceptance of a stock option linked to Scanfil's 2022C stock option program. The transaction volume was 20,000 units with a unit price of 0.00 EUR. Scanfil is a leading European Electronics Manufacturing Service company with a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023, serving multiple global industry sectors. For further information, Pasi Hiedanpää, Director of Investor Relations and Communications, can be contacted.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Scanfil Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Scanfil plc: Managers' transactions - Wiklund

On October 31, 2024, Scanfil Plc reported a manager's transaction involving Christina Wiklund, a senior manager. The transaction, which took place on October 30, 2024, involved the acceptance of a stock option linked to Scanfil's 2022C financial instrument. The transaction volume was 20,000 units at a unit price of 0.00 EUR. Scanfil Plc is a leading European Electronics Manufacturing Service company with a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023, serving various global industry sectors. For further details, Pasi Hiedanpää, Director of Investor Relations and Communications, can be contacted.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Scanfil Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Scanfil plc: Managers' transactions - Sut

On October 31, 2024, Scanfil Plc reported a manager's transaction involving Christophe Sut, the company's CEO. The transaction, dated October 30, 2024, involved the acceptance of a stock option linked to Scanfil's 2022C instrument. The transaction volume was 120,000 units, with a unit price of 0.00 EUR. Scanfil Plc is a leading European Electronics Manufacturing Service company with a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023, serving various global industry sectors. For further information, Pasi Hiedanpää, Director of Investor Relations and Communications, can be contacted.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Scanfil Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Scanfil plc: Managers' transactions - Mullis

On October 31, 2024, Scanfil plc reported a manager's transaction involving Anette Mullis, a senior manager. The transaction, dated October 30, 2024, involved the acceptance of 20,000 stock options linked to the Scanfil 2022C program, with a unit price and volume weighted average price of 0.00 EUR. Scanfil plc is a leading European Electronics Manufacturing Service company with a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023, serving various global industries. For further details, Pasi Hiedanpää, Director of Investor Relations and Communications, can be contacted.

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Main Market, Helsinki News

Nyhetsuppdatering från Scanfil Oyj

Transaktioner utförda av personer i ledande ställning: Scanfil plc: Managers' transactions - Hynninen

On October 31, 2024, Scanfil Oyj announced a manager's transaction involving Riku Hynninen, a senior manager at the company. The transaction, dated October 30, 2024, involved the acceptance of a stock option linked to the Scanfil 2022C program. The transaction volume was 20,000 units at a unit price of 0.00 EUR. Scanfil is a leading European Electronics Manufacturing Service company with a turnover of EUR 902 million in 2023, serving various global industry sectors. For more information, Pasi Hiedanpää, Director of Investor Relations and Communications, can be contacted.

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