Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Caybon Holding AB

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Kallelse till årsstämma i Caybon Holding AB

Årsstämman för Caybon Holding AB kommer att äga rum den 14 juni 2024, kl 10:00 i företagets lokaler på Birger Jarlsgatan 43, Stockholm. Aktieägare som önskar delta i stämman ska vara registrerade i aktieboken hos Euroclear Sweden AB senast den 5 juni 2024 och anmäla sitt deltagande senast den 10 juni 2024. Styrelsen föreslår bland annat att ingen utdelning lämnas för räkenskapsåret 2023 och att årets resultat balanseras i ny räkning. Dessutom föreslår de att styrelsen bemyndigas att fatta beslut om emission av aktier, teckningsoptioner och/eller konvertibler. Dessa och andra handlingar finns tillgängliga på bolagets hemsida och kontor.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Caybon Holding AB (publ) - Announces final time plan of the written procedure of its bonds and issuance of new preference shares

Caybon Holding AB announced the successful completion of a written procedure to amend the terms of its outstanding SEK 600,000,000 senior secured bond loan. The amendment was initiated to implement a new capital structure. On 8 May 2024, Caybon issued a new super senior bond loan of up to SEK 130,000,000, of which half was provided in cash and half was converted from existing bonds. The company also released a timeline for the write down of existing bonds amounting to SEK 365,000,000 and the issuance of new preference shares. ABG Sundal Collier and Roschier Advokatbyrå were retained as financial advisor and legal advisor respectively for the restructuring process.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Report: Caybon Interim Report First Quarter 2024

In Q1 2024, Caybon's net sales decreased by 3% to 247,801 TSEK, with 0% related to exchange rate and 3% due to negative organic growth. EBITDA was -1,518 TSEK, and adjusted EBITDA decreased 64% to 4,406 TSEK. The company reported a net loss of 34,805 TSEK for the period. Significant events included the approval of amendments to bond interest payment terms, the sale of all shares by its largest shareholder, Priveq, and the appointment of a new CEO. A restructuring of bonds was initiated, converting 365 MSEK of debt to shares, among other conditions. After the quarter, Daniel Grufman was appointed as CFO and new super senior bonds were issued. An Extraordinary General Meeting approved actions to finalize the new capital structure and elected new board members.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Report: Caybon publicerar årsredovisningen för 2023

Caybons årsredovisning för 2023 är nu tillgänglig på deras hemsida. Caybon är ett världsledande digitalt medieföretag som specialiserar sig på varumärkesinnehåll som ger mätbara resultat. De erbjuder en rad lösningar, från online media till tryckta produkter, för att hjälpa annonsörer och organisationer att kommunicera med sin målgrupp. Företaget har en diversifierad kundbas som sträcker sig från små till multinationella företag. För mer information kan man kontakta Daniel Grufman, företagets Chief Financial Officer.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Kommuniké från extra bolagsstämma i Caybon Holding AB

Caybon Holding AB har hållit en extra bolagsstämma där samtliga presenterade förslag godkändes. Dessa förslag inkluderar bland annat riktade emissioner för att uppnå en överenskommen ägarstruktur och säkra ny finansiering. Detta kommer efter att bolaget gått in i ett avtal med majoriteten av innehavarna i bolagets seniora säkerställda obligationer, samt vissa andra intressenter, på grund av finansiella svårigheter. Bolaget planerar att ge ut ett nytt superseniort obligationslån om 130 miljoner kronor. Efter genomförandet av åtgärderna kommer aktierna i bolaget att innehas till 45% av obligationsinnehavarna, 40% av de superseniora obligationsinnehavarna, 12% av styrelse och ledning, 2% av Priveq Investment och 1% av bolagets existerande aktieägare. Styrelseledamöterna Johan Kinnander och Eola Änggård Runsten omvaldes och Johan Janing valdes till ny styrelseledamot. Eola Änggård Runsten valdes till styrelseordförande.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Caybon Holding AB (publ) - Announces approval of written procedure and issuance of new super senior bonds

Caybon Holding AB has announced the successful completion of a written procedure, initiated on 29 March 2024, regarding its outstanding SEK 600,000,000 senior secured bond loan. The procedure was aimed at getting bondholders to agree to amendments in the terms of the bonds to facilitate the implementation of Caybon's proposed new capital structure. A majority of the bondholders approved the proposal, allowing Caybon to proceed with its capital structure updates. The company also revealed the launch of a fully underwritten new super senior bond amounting to SEK 130,000,000, the issuance of which was dependent on the successful completion of the written procedure. ABG Sundal Collier and Roschier Advokatbyrå have been retained as financial and legal advisors respectively for the restructuring.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Caybon Holding AB (publ) announces delayed publication of audited consolidated annual financial statements

Caybon Holding AB has announced a delay in the publication of its audited consolidated financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2023. The delay is due to the ongoing restructuring of the company's capital structure, which was announced in March 2024. The financial statements, which were originally due by 30 April 2024, are now expected to be published no later than 6 May 2024. The restructuring and subsequent actions will be resolved at an extraordinary general meeting scheduled for 2 May 2024. Caybon is a leading digital media company that offers diverse advertising solutions to a range of clients, from small businesses to multinational corporations.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Caybon Holding appoints Daniel Grufman as new CFO

Caybon, a leading digital media company, has appointed Daniel Grufman as its new Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective from 2 April 2024. Grufman, currently serving as Head of Group Accounting, joined Caybon in 2017 and has held various roles within the company. Before joining Caybon, he worked at Grant Thornton in auditing. This appointment follows the recent announcement of the current CFO assuming the role of CEO. Caybon specializes in branded content that drives results and offers a range of advertising solutions for its diverse client base.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i Caybon Holding AB

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Caybon Holding AB (publ) initiates a written procedure and launches a new super senior secured bond issue

Caybon Holding AB announced on 18 March 2024 that it has entered into a restructuring agreement with the majority of its bondholders and other stakeholders. The company has initiated a written procedure to seek approval for a new capital structure, which includes amendments to the terms and conditions of its existing bonds. Caybon is also launching a new super senior bond worth up to SEK 130,000,000, half of which will be provided in cash and the other half converted from existing bonds. The new bonds will mature on 3 June 2027. The written procedure will commence on 5 April 2024 and end on 26 April 2024. Caybon has received support for the restructuring from holders representing approximately 65% of the existing bonds.

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