Pressmeddelanden, rapporter och bolagsmeddelande för Caybon Holding AB

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Caybon Holding appoints Johan Janing as new CEO and reaches an agreement in principle with its stakeholders on Caybon's future capital structure

Caybon Holding AB has appointed Johan Janing, who has been with the company since 2009 and served as CFO since 2014, as its new CEO and president effective from 2 April 2024. Caybon has also agreed to a proposal with a majority of its bondholders and stakeholders for new financing and a long-term capital structure. Part of this agreement includes a SEK 10 million super senior bridge financing from certain bondholders. Richard Båge, the former CEO, will continue as an advisor and board member during the transition. ABG Sundal Collier and Roschier Advokatbyrå AB are serving as financial and legal advisors to the company, respectively, while Gernandt & Danielsson Advokatbyrå AB is advising the bondholders.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Caybon Holding AB (publ) signs a master restructuring term sheet for Caybon's future capital structure, provides a financial update and appoints a new CEO

Caybon Holding AB has signed a master restructuring term sheet with most of its bondholders and other stakeholders to address its financial issues. The term sheet outlines Caybon's future capital structure and will be implemented in a formal written procedure in March 2024. Details include a SEK 10,000,000 super senior bridge financing, an extension of bond maturity to December 2027, and a change in interest rates. SEK 365,000,000 of the bonds will undergo a debt to equity swap and a new super senior bond loan of SEK 130,000,000 will be issued. After the transaction, bondholders will own about 45% of Caybon, new super senior bondholders will own around 40%, and the board and management will hold approximately 12%. Caybon also expects an adjusted EBITDA of SEK 40-45m and an adjusted EBITA of SEK 10-15m for the full financial year 2024. Johan Janing will become the new CEO of Caybon from 2 April 2024.

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Report: Caybon Year end Report 2023

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Priveq sells its shares in Caybon Holding AB (publ) to CEO and founder Richard Båge

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Caybon Holding AB (publ) - Approval of written procedure and amendments to the terms and conditions of the bonds

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Caybon Holding AB (publ) postpones interest payment on its bonds and initiates a written procedure

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Report: Caybon Interim Report Third Quarter 2023

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Meddelande om nytt rapporteringsdatum

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Kommuniké från extra bolagsstämma i Caybon Holding AB

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Nyhetsuppdatering från Caybon Holding AB

Press Release: Kallelse till extra Bolagsstämma i Caybon Holding AB

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